Many might assume that President Biden and Vice President Harris are focused on vaccinating the population against COVID-19 or perhaps something related to the environment and climate change. But, the Biden/Harris Administration has a different top priority—championing gender theory, or the idea that a person can change their sex and that everyone else must affirm that decision or be punished.
This would be laughable at times, like when we learned that Biden’s budget changed the word “mother” to “birthing person.” It sounds ridiculous and out-of-touch, but the truth is that gender theory is a very dangerous political agenda, especially for children. Yet, the Administration seems determined to force gender theory into every aspect of our lives and especially onto our children.
Here are just a few examples:
Just today, Biden’s Education Department released new “official” guidance that it will interpret the word “sex” in Title IX to include “gender identity.” In other words, a student can “identify” as the opposite sex at any time, for any reason.
The results for real American families? This means the end of girls’ sports, the invasion of privacy in locker rooms, and serious damage to their scholarships. It’s a pretty low blow, especially considering that Title IX’s 49th anniversary comes next week—stay tuned for more on that!
The irony is that Title IX is inherently built on sex-based distinctions. It is the federal civil rights law enacted to make sure women and girls have equal access to educational opportunities– and that requirement includes sports. To redefine Title IX so that any man can declare himself to be a woman at any time for any reason makes Title IX virtually pointless.
Read FPA’s official statement to the media about the Education Department’s new “guidance” on Title IX.
Many Americans are now familiar with this dangerous piece of legislation that President Biden labeled his top priority early on. The Equality Act would use the sweeping federal Civil Rights law to force gender theory onto the entire country, giving the same protection to a person because of their self-declared gender identity as we would because of their race.
The Equality Act would result in:
- Pressuring struggling children toward experimental hormones and surgery to “transition” their sex
- Allowing males to overtake girls’ athletics
- Allowing males to enter women’s locker rooms and shelters
- Closing the doors of faith-based foster and adoption agencies
- Denying parental rights in the name of sexual politics
- Silencing everyone who disagrees
- Forcing curriculum that teaches children they may be “born in the wrong body” into every public school
Thankfully, your voices have stopped the Equality Act from moving forward, but we expect a vote in the Senate on the bill next week!
To help, TAKE ACTION now, using our 1-minute Action Center to tell your Senator to vote NO! It is critical that this vote fails in the Senate!
To learn more, join me and our friends at The Heritage Foundation Thursday morning for “How the Equality Act’s Gender Ideology Would Harm Children.”
RSVP: Thursday, June 17, 2021 from 10:00AM-10:30AM Eastern Time
Biden and Harris must have known that the Equality Act would be a hard-sell to American families because on his very first day in office, Biden issued an executive order mandating that all government agencies—including those that most affect us in our everyday lives, such as the Health and Education Departments—must implement his gender theory into every area of law and regulation.
Passing the Equality Act into law, especially with the filibuster still intact in the Senate, is a heavy lift. It’s much easier for President Biden to issue a power-grabbing fiat with his pen, taking a chance that the American voters may not call him on it.
The Biden/Harris Health Department also joined the “gender theory propaganda bandwagon” in a big way. The Department recently announced that it would also interpret the word “sex” in Title IX and in Obamacare to also mean “gender identity”—just like we saw today from the Education Department.
This means that healthcare professionals such as doctors, hospitals, and insurers are required to provide transgender interventions on individuals. What does this look like in practice? If a hospital is willing to perform a mastectomy on a woman who has breast cancer, then the rule will require the hospital to also perform mastectomies on women—or even young girls—who identify as transgender. If they administer hormones for certain medical treatments, they must also be willing to administer them for teenagers seeking to “transition.” Under the rule, professionals would be required to perform these operations even if they do not believe them to be in the patient’s best interest in their professional judgment.
It’s a very twisted rule, clearly proving the point that this agenda puts politics over people every time.
The Biden/Harris Administration’s top priority is clearly dangerous with far-reaching consequences, especially for children who are affected at schools and who are not of an age where they can truly offer informed consent for serious medical operations.
But the GOOD NEWS is, it’s not all bad news!
- The Biden/Harris Administration’s obsession with gender theory shows how out-of-touch they are with real American families.
- More and more people are speaking out boldly to say “enough is enough!” every day.
- Over 30 states considered legislation to #SaveGirlsSports this year, with at least 7 states passing it into law!
- Arkansas became the first state in the nation to protect children from experimental transgender “treatments”!
- There’s still time to TAKE ACTION on the Equality Act to tell your Senators to vote NO.
- Even the Associated Press has admitted that the states taking action against gender theory, especially to save girls sports, are stopping the Equality Act!
So, take heart! Your voice in your state and to Congress is making a difference! And, your courage to speak out boldly against harmful gender ideology is making a difference. There’s a new wave of fellow Americans and believers washing over America with a renewed sense of hope, determination, and dedication to truth.
Standing together for His glory,
Autumn Leva
Vice President, Strategy