Have you seen this?

September 17

Five years ago, the Lord led Family Policy Alliance’s sister Foundation to launch a training program for godly men and women called to serve in the mission field of public office. We all know the stories with unhappy endings—men and women who take on the title of Senator or Representative but later forget why they began serving in the first place, forsake their families, and stray from their values. But what if the issues we care about—life, family, and religious freedom—could be shaped by trained leaders who are humble, biblically grounded, and willing to boldly champion policy that reflects their values? Out of this vision—and your ongoing, faithful support—the Statesmen Academy was born. The Academy is now an integral part of Family Policy Foundation’s mission, and four classes of trained statesmen and stateswomen are serving you and your families in 33 states across the country—many of them earning national recognition for championing your values.

I wanted to be sure you saw this short video from some of the state legislators who attended Called Together, a Statesmen Academy alumni reunion, this summer. It was the first event of its kind hosted by Family Policy Foundation – but it won’t be the last! As you’ll hear in the video, statesmen and women gleaned much-needed inspiration, encouragement, knowledge and strategy to continue fighting for families and biblical values. These elected officials are on the front lines in the policy battles we all care about, and because of your support, they are re-energized and equipped to stand for truth and lead well in 2022 and beyond.

Thank you for your generosity that makes Statesmen Academy training and events possible!


Amanda Banks
Director, Statesmen Academy