The truth about the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. — Winston Churchill Today, Governor Kelly betrayed Kansas women as she sided with radical LGBTQ+ ideology and the corrupt NCAA. However, we won’t stop fighting for women! Contact your legislators and ask them to override Governor

The Court Makes Legislating Its Business

This week the majority of the Supreme Court issued a narrow ruling on employment discrimination. In Bostock v. Clayton County, a majority of the Supreme Court took action to re-write the country’s nondiscrimination law, effectively including transgender status in the scope of “sex discrimination”. The Court’s overreach caused Justice Samuel Alito to remark, “[a] more

Kansas Election Wins Boost Local Efforts to Resist LGBT Agenda!

Kansas Family Voice of Kansas mailers and ads helped inform voters in Olathe and Shawnee, resulting in major election victories. Note: This is Part 2 of Keep the Faith in Kansas: SOGIs in schools Tuesday night showed how Kansans can push back against the LGBT agenda in our cities and schools. See my report later

KANSAS CITY: Stop the City from Pushing Kids to Change Gender

A Kansas City (MO) city council committee is about to consider an ordinance that would push many minors towards transgenderism.  Your quick help is needed to stop it! Ordinance 190902 is what is known as a “counseling ban.”  It would censor professional counseling for children and teens who are struggling with their gender identity.  But

That’s A Wrap Folks

Dear Friends, What a wild session it has been. The legislature came back for its final day Wednesday. Sine die is the last day of official legislative business until next year. This session has had its ups and downs like any session. But for me, it crystalized why we do what we do at Kansas

The Emperor’s New Gender Identity

Dear Friends, Hans Christian Andersen’s classic The Emperor’s New Clothes is the tale of two swindlers who convince a monarch they have crafted a cloth so fine it becomes invisible to anyone who is stupid or incompetent. Before long, the emperor, his advisors, and all his subjects have bought into the swindlers’ lie. “Magnificent! Excellent!

‘I read your book!’

Dear Friends, In the legendary film Patton, the iconic American general looks out over a field of battle. His troops have just defeated the formidable German General Erwin “the Desert Fox” Rommel in Tunisia. Patton growls to himself with a smile, “Rommel… I read your book!” The quote is fictitious, but it illustrates a valuable


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