Statesmen Academy Alumni Quotes

"Hands down the most beneficial training to me personally and professionally."
sen. Renee Ericson

"This was by far the best conference I have ever attended. That is no exaggeration."
Speaker John Arch

"This conference has been life-changing for me as a Kentucky State Representative."
Rep. Billy Wesley

"What a privilege to be a part of the Statesmen Academy. This academy will have positive and eternal effects for our nation."
Rep. Bruce Skaug

"Do it! The Statesmen Academy will give you the tools to be successful and the ammunition to fight the good fight"
Rep. Stanley Wright

"The Statesmen Academy
has renewed my faith and
given me hope for our
Rep. Melissa Oremus
south carolina

"I’ve been through other training for legislators; this by far was heads above everything else.  Every session was perfect."
Sen. Chuck Payne

"One thing that sets the Statesmen Academy apart from other conferences is that spouses can attend."
Sen. Jordan Rasmusson

"I was truly blessed and encouraged...Christian legislators are in dire need of this type of strengthening."
Sen. Lisa keim

"The terrific speakers, excellent information, devotions, worship, and relationship-building all exceeded my expectations!"
Rep. Austen Schaeur
north dakota

"Your organization is more important today than ever.  
Thank you for your
Sen. Jeff Raatz

"This past week has been profound and life changing. I truly believe that what we learned will change the course of our country. "
Sen. Lisa Mazur
new hampshire