

Christians are called to be salt and light in our culture, but the American church has grown apathetic in the stewardship of our rights and liberties.

Currently, there is relatively little difference between
the voting patterns of people who call themselves
Christians and the public at large. This should not be!

If Christians retreat from the call to be involved in our culture, our nation will continue to stray away from God’s timeless truths and principles.

“Knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep…” Romans 13:11

But how are we, as individuals, to make an impact?


Christians Engaged exists to awaken, educate, and empower believers in Jesus Christ to:

  • PRAY for our nation and elected officials regularly
  • VOTE in every local, state, and national election to impact our culture
  • ENGAGE our hearts in civic education or involvement for the well-being of our local communities and our nation

Take the Pledge to begin your journey.

By committing to take these three steps, you will be on the fast track to make a difference.

The Feature Highlights


Authentic change begins by talking with God.

And this nation needs YOUR prayers.

Learn more about how to pray for our nation.


Your vote is an extension of your voice, and it does make a difference. We have built the only 501(c)3 voter mobilization system specifically for Christians that encompasses all 50 states. Receive our free voting reminders and resources around every election in your state.

Learn more about the importance of your vote.


Begin your On-Ramp to Civic Engagement. Taught by trusted government and ministry leaders, our signature on-demand video course covers important topics including advocacy, political parties, choosing between imperfect candidates, protecting liberty, and how to share the Gospel and demonstrate Christian virtue while engaging with politics.

Check out our video courses covering civics and current issues.
