
Know the Issues. Share with Others.

A nation where God is honored is possible when Christians stand together on the principles of God’s Word and engage with culture — and in politics — out of a compelling love for our fellow Americans.


Family Policy Alliance is dedicated to protecting human life from the time of fertilization to natural end because we recognize every human life as created in the image of God. We promote public policy to protect our most vulnerable — preborn children and their mothers, those with disabilities or serious illnesses, and the elderly. In defense of life, we oppose abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, human cloning, and technologies that harm the dignity of life.


What is abortion, where did the “right to abortion” come from, and what is Family Policy Alliance doing to protect preborn babies and their mothers?

Assisted Suicide

What are assisted suicide and euthanasia and why we must cherish life from conception to its natural end?


Family as God designed it is the building block of society — from it flows life, and the imparting of faith and values. Family is the single-best institution for protecting, providing for, and training children; honoring and caring for the elderly; and fulfilling our most basic human needs. As the smallest and first form of government God instituted, families also serve as an important check on the power and size of government. When families thrive, nations thrive.

Parental Rights

A Biblical perspective on the role of parents, how parental rights are under attack, and ways we can work together to restore God’s design for parenting.


The two competing visions for American education today, the role of parents in education, and what parents can do to direct their child’s education.


God’s design for humans as male and female cannot be changed. Our biological sex is written into the DNA of every cell in our bodies and intricately interwoven with how we live in society and relate to others. Marriage is God’s design for uniting the male and female halves of humanity and serves as the ideal context for romantic, sexual love and for creating new life. Forms of sexual interaction outside marriage between one man and one woman distort God’s gift of sexuality.

Sexual Orientation

What is the biblical approach to human sexuality; the history of the sexual orientation issue; and the many ways families are impacted.


Background, biblical perspective, and Family Policy Alliance’s position on transgenderism and gender dysphoria.

Religious Freedom

Family Policy Alliance is dedicated to preserving our freedom to believe, share, and live out our faith — publicly as well as privately. Our nation's founders recognized this God-given freedom as so fundamental to who we are, they preserved it in the Constitution’s First Amendment. We promote policy that protects and enhances this freedom for individuals, families, ministries, and companies — and defend against policies that erode constitutional protections.

Religious Freedom in Businesses

What threats to religious freedom do business owners face and how can we protect religious freedom in the marketplace?

Religious Freedom in Healthcare

Patients, parents, doctors, and insurers have religious freedom, too! Learn how the issue of religious freedom touches our healthcare.

“The people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.”

Daniel 11:32b, ESV

Biblical Citizenship is what’s needed in our nation now more than ever. But what is it? God’s Word tells us clearly what it is. It’s knowing His Word and standing firmly upon it. But biblical citizens don’t stop there — they take action! They engage their churches and communities in ways that align with Scripture. They stand against the evil in our culture. They elect leaders who will best represent biblical values and amplify their voices on the issues that affect their faith, their families and their communities. Some run for office to transform government from the inside — much as any missionary would! In so doing, they advance good laws that truly show love for their neighbors and inspire others to do the same.

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