It’s important to protect pro-family values in every area of our lives
protect families and double your gift!
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Your gift will safeguard your faith and create a lasting impact for future generations.
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The Tyranny of Roe Has Ended. What Now?
Find out what comes next in your state, our plan for a pro-life America, and how you fit in the pro-life movement.
End Transgender Experiments on Kids!
Kids are not experiments. When a child is struggling, they need compassionate care — not experimental hormones and surgery.
Protecting Fair Play for Our Girls.
Female athletes deserve fair competition — that means the chance to compete in women’s divisions distinct from co-ed or men’s categories, and free from males competing in those female-only competitions.
Know the Issues. Share with Others.
These are the primary areas in which Family Policy Alliance is focused. Explore the topics to familiarize yourself with the main arguments of both sides, discover what the Biblical view is, and learn how Family Policy Alliance is fighting for you.
Marriage, God’s design for uniting male and female, serves as the ideal context for romantic, sexual love and for creating new life.
Christians are free to believe, share, and live out our faith – publicly as well as privately.
What's Happening
We never stop in the defense of life, the family, and your religious freedom. Keep up-to-date with what is happening across the nation, and learn how you can join us in taking action.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to
Thank you for making our work possible
Education, Podcast
Wouldn’t it be great to see God honored more in our public
The Bible in Public Schools, with Joel Penton
During his trip to Washington, D.C. following the 2024 presidential election, Family
The Impact of Prayer, with Michael Lynn
We all know Tuesday’s election brought positive outcomes in countless races and
The Election is Over… Now What?
In our culture, it’s common to hear about a focus on tolerance.
The Tolerance Lie, with Dr. Alex McFarland
Yesterday was an historic election day, and while many of us are
Christian Reaction to 2024 Election Results
In the postmodern era, the rise of progressive voices “remaking Jesus” is
The Dangers of Hijacking Jesus, with Jason Jimenez
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We have the right, privilege and obligation to speak into every aspect of our government. Our Action Center makes it easy for you to do that.
Who Are We?
Launched in 2004 by Focus on the Family, we are a movement of Christian men and women working together to unleash citizenship.
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"Family Policy Alliance is one of the most trusted values-based advocacy groups in America."
"The Statesmen Academy helps prepare legislators to lead on policy issues that shape the soul of our nation. It is an amazing opportunity for elected officials to become equipped and resourced to change the direction of our communities and country."
"From supporting and advocating for God’s definition of marriage to standing up for life and protecting our religious freedoms, Family Policy Alliance’s vital work has never been needed more than today.”
"I’ve been involved in the Family Policy Alliance and Family Policy Council movement for over 25 years, and your work has never been more important than it is right now."