On September 11, 2001, Americans endured the loss of nearly 3,000 lives
Still needed: $15,400+
We fell short of our $50,000 goal, but there is still time to reach Christian voters and get them to the polls.
Will you help us reach our goal?
The Tyranny of Roe Has Ended. What Now?
Find out what comes next in your state, our plan for a pro-life America, and how you fit in the pro-life movement.
End Transgender Experiments on Kids!
Kids are not experiments. When a child is struggling, they need compassionate care — not experimental hormones and surgery.
Protecting Fair Play for Our Girls.
Female athletes deserve fair competition — that means the chance to compete in women’s divisions distinct from co-ed or men’s categories, and free from males competing in those female-only competitions.
Know the Issues. Share with Others.
These are the primary areas in which Family Policy Alliance is focused. Explore the topics to familiarize yourself with the main arguments of both sides, discover what the Biblical view is, and learn how Family Policy Alliance is fighting for you.
Marriage, God’s design for uniting male and female, serves as the ideal context for romantic, sexual love and for creating new life.
Christians are free to believe, share, and live out our faith – publicly as well as privately.
What's Happening
We never stop in the defense of life, the family, and your religious freedom. Keep up-to-date with what is happening across the nation, and learn how you can join us in taking action.
The battle for our kids rages in today’s culture. We don’t like
The Texas Children’s Hospital Whistleblower’s Story, with Dr. Eithan Haim
The new “Reagan” film became the number-one new movie in America over
“Reagan” Film Becomes Number-One New Movie in America
A new school year can be an exciting time for many students.
Back-to-School Help: Download Our Free Guide
I was shocked that during the recent Democratic National Convention in Chicago
“What We’re Seeing at the DNC is Evil, Not Freedom”
Even before the attack by Hamas on October 7, 2023, Israel was
Should Christians Support Israel? with Dr. Jeff Myers
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Who Are We?
Launched in 2004 by Focus on the Family, we are a movement of Christian men and women working together to unleash citizenship.