Sports are competitive, and like any competition they should be played on a fair and level playing field. There are divisions, age brackets, and weight classes for a reason. College sports are for college athletes. Professional sports for pro athletes. And female sports should be for female athletes.
Latest Developents
On February 5th, 2025, President Donald Trump signed an executive order entitled “Keeping Men Out of Women’s Sports.” This executive order aims to ensure girls’ sports remain exclusively for girls. It does this by reestablishing Title IX protections and conditioning federal funding on compliance. You can read the full text of the order here.
FPA celebrates the signing of this order and thanks President Trump for keeping his promise to protect women’s rights and opportunities in sports. FPA was involved in the inception of the nationwide #SaveGirlsSports campaign in 2019, when we were on the ground in the Idaho state legislature advocating for the eventual passage of the first ever state-level Save Girls Sports bill. We are therefore gratified to see the second Trump Administration further the objective of this campaign to protect women’s rights and opportunities in sports.

Bolstered by this executive order, FPA remains committed to seeing the remaining 26 states and the federal government enact Save Girls laws to ensure women’s rights and opportunities are protected at every level. Keep reading to learn more about this issue and our progress so far.
An Unfair Advantage
Female athletes deserve fair competition – and that means the chance to maintain women’s divisions distinct from co-ed or men’s categories. Men generally have higher cardiovascular capacity, greater bone density, and more muscle mass. Our girls deserve better than letting males compete in female-only competitions.

Tell Your Lawmakers To Save Girls Sports
Fund Our Ongoing Efforts to Save Girls Sports
Raise awareness for the need to Save Girls Sports
A high school track champion in Alaska.
Are you a female athlete?
In Tanner’s story she shares “If you don’t stand up for what you believe in, you may not even be able to stand up for that anymore.” Like Tanner, are you willing to stand up for fairness in girls’ sports?

Fairness in Women’s Sports Act
In Tanner’s story she shares “If you don’t stand up for what you believe in, you may not even be able to stand up for that anymore.” Like Tanner, are you willing to stand up for fairness in girls’ sports?

More states have followed suit
As of August 2023, a total of 22 states have protected female athletes in their states: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia. And lawmakers in other states are leading similar efforts! The momentum is strong.

The ACLU is challenging the new law.
In April of 2020, the ACLU filed a lawsuit against the state of Idaho, claiming that state’s Fairness in Women’s Sports violates a federal law known as Title IX. Once a champion of girls’ sports – now the ACLU wants to turn boys into girls’ sports champions.
“From the beginning, this has been about protecting opportunities for girls and women in sports. As a former Division I athlete and coach, I know firsthand that we simply cannot compete against the inherent physiological and scientifically proven advantages that boys and men possess.”
Bill Sponsor of Fairness in Women’s Sports Act

Title IX ensures that no one can be denied equal access to educational opportunities on the basis of sex. It played a significant role in giving girls competitive sports.
Imagine a world where Simone Biles or Katie Ledecky were relegated to a recreation-only team, or a competitive team with far less opportunity than the comparable men’s team. Before the creation of Title IX, that was the world in which many women lived. Even for talented athletes, as women, they wouldn’t have the same opportunities given male athletes at school. Their teams might lack funding, they might be relegated to a recreation-only team, or sometimes they might not even have a girls’ team on which to play. With the dawn of Title IX, women could finally compete on a level playing field against other women, with similar opportunities as men.
Then and Now
Historically, Title IX has been used — by the ACLU itself — to advance women’s opportunities. Now, the ACLU, with its lawsuit, wants to exploit Title IX to let biological men steal those very opportunities. That’s not fair, and it’s why we’re calling on you to help us #SaveGirlsSports.

The ACLU won’t make this an easy fight.
The Fairness in Women’s Sports Act was passed and signed in part because of the thousands of Americans who sent letters to elected officials telling them how important it was to save the integrity of girls’ sports. The voice of concerned citizens can make a difference – and on such a fundamental issue as fair sports, it’s critical that those voices are heard.

The ACLU won’t make this an easy fight.
We need your help as the ACLU sues to permanently harm girls’ sports. Sign our petition now to share your voice with state leaders and let them know that they must #SaveGirlsSports.
Additionally, when you sign up here, we’ll send you opportunities to contact elected officials, keep you in the loop about the latest developments, and give you ways to share your voice with your sphere of influence. Don’t miss this opportunity to make a difference – and be sure to share with your friends!
The ACLU once championed girls’ sports – now they want to turn boys into girls’ sports champions.
Your gift today will help fight the battle for our girls.
We’re fully invested in this fight, and we intend to keep moving forward. With your help, here’s what we’ve done so far:
Shepherded Fairness in Women’s Sports Act from initial legislation to passing both Idaho chambers with a veto-proof supermajority
Mobilized Idahoans and fellow Americans to ask Idaho Governor Little to sign the bill into law
Continued speaking out against the ACLU’s hypocrisy and rallying support for the fair sports law as the ACLU’s lawsuit moves forward
With enough funding, we hope to file a friend-of-the-court brief in this case. And, with girls across the nation in mind, we hope to pass similar laws in more states, so that girls everywhere can play sports on a level playing field. Currently, Idaho is the only state with a law to #SaveGirlsSports. That must change.
Your gift makes it possible.
Every amount, whether $100, $50, or even $25, will make a difference toward giving girls the chance to compete.

Spread the Word to Save Girls Sports
Share Your Story
Will you help us keep girls’ sports competitive and fair by spreading the word to your friends, family, and followers? We have created a Facebook photo frame for everyone to use. Add it to your profile picture to raise awareness and #SaveGirlsSports.
Add the frame to your profile picture in just three steps: Go to your profile on the Facebook app and tap “Edit” on your profile picture. Then tap “Add Frame” and search for “#SaveGirlsSports”.
Post Your Pic
Don’t forget to post about your new profile picture and tell why girls’ sports are important to you. To make it even easier, we have provided sample posts below. Use them as-is or edit them to your liking.

I’m proud to be a female athlete. In girls’ sports, I enjoy competing against other women in a fair environment. The ACLU is suing to let boys play in female athletics – and that isn’t fair. Letting boys play in girls’ sports means less opportunities for girls – in their own contests. #SaveGirlsSports
The ACLU once championed girls’ sports – now they want to turn boys into girls’ sports champions and relegate girls to spectators in their own sports. Our girls deserve better. Help us #SaveGirlsSports today!
Hey guys, we need you too!
Use the hashtag and photo filter to show your support. Are you a coach, father, grandfather, brother, or uncle of a female athlete? Snap a photo with them and share it with us. We need everyone’s help to raise awareness.

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