Michael Geer is founder and president of the Pennsylvania Family Institute (PFI), one of the leading state family policy councils in the country. He directed the organization from start-up to an annual budget (with associated organizations) of more than $1.6 million, with a staff of 9 and a statewide constituency of more than 40,000 families. He is a frequent guest on debates and television and radio talk programs and has been quoted or published hundreds of times in newspapers and other media outlets. PFI is a leader in successful statewide and local efforts on issues such as school choice, defense of marriage, opposition to casino gambling and the sanctity of life.
In 2006, PFI established the Independence Law Center, a pro-bono law firm that litigates and advocates on behalf of the sanctity of life, marriage and family and religious liberty. The Independence Law Center initiated the case Conestoga Wood Specialties v. Sebelius in Federal District Court, which culminated in a victory in a combined case with Hobby Lobby. The Law Center, which is housed with and funded by the PFI, has won several other significant victories, and advises ministries and businesses on religious freedom issues.
Michael is also president of the Pennsylvania Family Council, a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization that lobbies on key pro-family issues at the state level, and encourages effective citizen engagement. He also serves as president of Pennsylvania Family PAC, a state political action committee that has effectively engaged in several dozen state legislative campaigns on behalf of pro-family, pro-life candidates.
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