
It’s now or never

February 25, 2021

Governor Murphy had 45 days to veto the transgender identity lessons in kindergarten bill (assembly bill 4454). That day was today! However, the Assembly was not in session and by state law, the chamber of origin must be in session on the 45th day or the governor has until the next time that chamber meets to veto the bill. In other words, he has to take action by day the Assembly meets after the 45th day – Monday, March 1. If he decides to take no action, the bill becomes law by default.

We must continue to urge him to VETO THIS BILL!

Thankfully, his office has been inundated with over 18,000 emails in the past month as people across New Jersey urge him to veto it. There has been a diverse group of voices pressuring the governor to not allow these harmful and objectionable lessons to be taught to 5-year-olds.

Last week you heard from Senator Jim Holzapfel and Assemblymen Greg McGuckin and John Catalano from Brick, and Pastor Ed Ramirez from Paterson. We continually hear from more pastors, legislators, and parents who are calling on Governor Murphy to let kids be kids and not be subjected to this sexual ideology at such young ages.

Legislators are speaking out – “It is outrageous to foist concepts on school children as young as kindergarten that even many adults struggle to understand. Schools are supposed to be places of academics and scholarly pursuits which prepare students for college and eventually a place in the work world. Teachers are becoming overwhelmed with non-academic requirements, leaving less and less time for traditional learning.  This bill once again would allow the state to usurp the duties of the parents. It is imperative that this bill be vetoed and return the duties of teaching morals where it belongs, with parents and clergy.” – Assemblyman Gerry Scharfenberger, District 13, Middletown

Pastors are speaking out – “Please veto the bill (A4454) that sits on your desk that mandates sexual orientation and gender identity diversity lessons starting in kindergarten! As a parent, a grandparent, a pastor, and an African-American, I am appalled that this bill has made it as far as your desk! I am totally opposed to the bill on faith, family, cultural, and educational grounds.  From the perspective of my faith and culture, the topic of sexual orientation and gender identity is one for parents to handle with their children, not educators.  I feel that the introduction of such topics is totally inappropriate for 5–6-year-old kindergarteners, and highly disrespectful of parental rights and freedom of religious expression.” – Pastor Kedrick Brown, Middletown, NJ

Now you must speak out!

Please email and text your friends this information.

Let’s make New Jersey better!

Shawn Hyland
Executive Director

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