
December 8, 2020


Family Policy Alliance Names Craig DeRoche as New CEO
DeRoche is a former Michigan Speaker of the House and most recently served as president of Justice Fellowship

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado – Family Policy Alliance – a pro-family ministry – today announced that its board has named Craig DeRoche as the ministry’s new CEO and President. Craig has nearly 30 years of experience advancing the dignity and worth of all human life, religious freedom, and family values in public policy—including having served as Speaker of the House in the Michigan legislature. He also served as President of Justice Fellowship, where he focused on advancing the value of life through second chances and redemption for those in America’s justice system.

General Patrick Caruana, chairman of the Family Policy Alliance Board, shared his confidence in the board’s decision:

“Craig has deep experience in public policy and over a decade of experience bringing coalitions together to advocate for our justice system to reflect godly principles. Most importantly, he is a man whose life and family have been transformed by Jesus Christ.  We are deeply grateful for Paul Weber’s leadership and years of sacrificial service with this ministry, and we know he will continue to support us through this transition and to lift us all up in prayer.”

DeRoche is the author of Highly Functional, in which he shares his fall into and triumph over addiction through surrender to Jesus Christ. That experience informed his recent justice reform work at Justice Fellowship, a ministry founded by Chuck Colson. DeRoche additionally served on the Charles Colson Task Force on federal prison reform that was created by Congress. He also worked personally on the issue with the three most recent U.S. Presidents.

As he joins Family Policy Alliance, DeRoche looks forward to working on policy issues that are, as he describes it, “upstream” of many justice issues.

“After advocating for biblical principles in our nation’s justice system for many years,” said DeRoche, “my heart is to advocate for strong families—because strong families are the best way to prevent lives from ending up in the justice system in the first place. God’s design for the family is the most loving, most prolife, safest, and best catalyst for success for children in the world. God led me to Family Policy Alliance where we are ready, by His grace, to make an even greater impact for families, life and religious freedom in our nation.”

DeRoche greeted supporters and allies with a similarly warm message in a video posted today.

Chief Operating Officer Sonja Swiatkiewicz told supporters, “We are thankful the Lord has brought Craig to Family Policy Alliance, and can’t wait to work with him on your behalf – and for a nation where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and life is cherished!”

Craig DeRoche is available for interview.

Media Contact:
Robert Noland, (719) 308-2822, Media@FamilyPolicyAlliance.com


Family Policy Alliance advances biblical citizenship and promote good public policy that protects religious freedom, families, and life.

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