

Our vision is a nation where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and life is cherished.

Our Stewardship Philosophy

How our ministry stewards its resources reflects our commitment to transparency, integrity and accountability. The following commitments affirm our stewardship philosophy:

  1. This ministry belongs to God. We are simply stewards of all He provides (1 Cor. 4:1-2).
  2. We are governed by a professional Board of Directors disclosed to the public.
  3. We will focus resources faithfully on the mission to which He has called us, and honor the restrictions or designations you place upon your gifts.
  4. We are a debt-free ministry. We will not spend more than the Lord provides, and we will do all we can to maintain adequate reserves to weather times of economic uncertainty.
  5. We will operate this ministry in compliance with all laws—as long as they comport with God’s law.
  6. We will operate transparently. As a faithful ministry partner, you have the right to review our financial disclosures and have access to your giving records at any time.
  7. We will not use pressure or resort to disrespectful or dishonorable fundraising practices.
  8. We believe every Christian is called to financially support their local church first. We are grateful for your sacrificial support after that obligation is met.
  9. We will acknowledge and/or receipt your generous gifts in a timely manner.
  10. You are a partner in this ministry, and we will work to earn and increase your trust.

Our Stewardship Philosophy

Family Policy Alliance is dedicated to the defense of moral values and the family. We realize that people are donating to our organization to defend the family, faith and freedom in this great nation. We also realize that it is our responsibility to use these precious gifts, that represent sacrifices from loving and concerned people, passionately and wisely to advance morality and family values as defined by biblical principles.

Here at Family Policy Alliance, we take stewardship of resources very seriously.  These figures are from our most recently filed IRS Forms 990.  You can see in the ministry summaries below how your support is used to restore our nation to one where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and life is cherished.

If you’re looking for more detail, here are downloadable PDFs of our annual financial reports for your review.

Fiscal Year-End 2023

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