
Take back our Schools— your gift will be doubled

The Left is infiltrating school boards to reshape our nation’s future.

Radical activists are targeting school boards to push their agenda on 49 million students.

Your donation will be DOUBLED to help equip conservative leaders, protect kids, and reclaim our schools. Don’t miss this chance to make twice the impact!


Can YOU commit to doing  3 things for the good of our nation?

Join one million voters who are taking the pledge to pray for our nation, vote in every election and engage in the process of civic involvement.

The Tyranny of Roe Has Ended. What Now?

Find out what comes next in your state, our plan for a pro-life America, and how you fit in the pro-life movement.

End Transgender Experiments on Kids!

Kids are not experiments. When a child is struggling, they need compassionate care — not experimental hormones and surgery.

Protecting Fair Play for Our Girls.

Female athletes deserve fair competition — that means the chance to compete in women’s divisions distinct from co-ed or men’s categories, and free from males competing in those female-only competitions.

Know the Issues. Share with Others.

These are the primary areas in which Family Policy Alliance is focused. Explore the topics to familiarize yourself with the main arguments of both sides, discover what the Biblical view is, and learn how Family Policy Alliance is fighting for you.

Every human life, from the time of fertilization to natural end, is created in the image of God and should be cherished.

Family as God designed it is the building block of society — from it flows life, and the imparting of faith and values.

Marriage, God’s design for uniting male and female, serves as the ideal context for romantic, sexual love and for creating new life.

Christians are free to believe, share, and live out our faith – publicly as well as privately.

What's Happening

We never stop in the defense of life, the family, and your religious freedom. Keep up-to-date with what is happening across the nation, and learn how you can join us in taking action.

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by Amanda Banks, Family Policy Alliance Foundation Sr. Vice President President Donald

Trump’s Department of Education executive order: A good move for families and students

Trump’s Department of Education executive order: A good move for families and students

Family, SoCon Report

The battle for the family has received some encouraging wins in Wyoming!

Wyoming Family Policies Are Winning, with Nathan Winters

Wyoming Family Policies Are Winning, with Nathan Winters


​Dear Friends, We’re excited to announce the launch of a brand-new podcast

Introducing House to Home – A NEW Podcast!

Introducing House to Home – A NEW Podcast!


How do we reach the next generation? Many American Christians want to

Reaching the Next Generation, with Abby Sexton

Reaching the Next Generation, with Abby Sexton

SoCon Report

Prayer is at the core of what we do as Christians. We

The Power of Prayer, with Mike Lynn

The Power of Prayer, with Mike Lynn

Family, SoCon Report

When we reject God’s gifts of marriage and family, hurt and harm

Hope and a Future, with Aaron Baer

Hope and a Future, with Aaron Baer


President Donald Trump’s speech to a Joint Session of Congress on Tuesday

What President Trump said last night caught even us by surprise…

What President Trump said last night caught even us by surprise…


​Dear Friends, As the President prepares to address a Joint Session of

Join Us in Prayer for the President’s Speech Tonight 

Join Us in Prayer for the President’s Speech Tonight 

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Launched in 2004 by Focus on the Family, we are a movement of Christian men and women working together to unleash citizenship.

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