

President Emeritus

Tom Minnery was president emeritus of Family Policy Alliance from 2016-2022, and launched the Statesmen Academy prior to his retirement in 2016. He was senior vice president of public policy for Focus on the Family for 26 years, as well as a founding board member for Alliance Defending Freedom, a national organization devoted to the legal strategy, training and funding of court cases involving pro-life, religious-freedom and family-values issues.

Prior to coming to Focus on the Family and Family Policy Alliance, Minnery was senior editor at Christianity Today magazine. He also worked as a Capitol Hill correspondent and was a manager in the Washington bureau of Gannett Newspapers.

Minnery held a bachelor of science in journalism from Ohio University and master of arts in religion from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He was the author of the book Why You Can’t Stay Silent, published by Tyndale House (2002). He is missed by his wife Deb, their three children and seven grandchildren, and many former colleagues and pro-family Americans whose lives he impacted.

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