
Family Policy Alliance Board Remembers Tom Minnery

Each of us on the Family Policy Alliance/Foundation team want to extend our deepest condolences and continuing prayers to Deb and the entire Minnery family as we humbly join them as they mourn the passing of one of God’s most faithful and steadfast servants. The richness of our thoughts of Tom reflects countless personal time with Tom in so many different capacities. Although some may have thought him a quiet man, each of us can readily remember when Tom engaged in one of the many facets of his service in God’s kingdom work to know his words consistently resounded with the authority and clarity only resident in a powerful servant of Jesus.

The years Tom labored at Focus on the Family are akin to the admonition from the Lord Jesus of the importance of building His house upon the Rock. Some of us were privileged to work with Tom to establish and foster several outreach ministries at Focus. Because Tom remained so consistently “a man after God’s heart,” he repeatedly lead in the transition of ministries into their God ordained roles while never losing the effectiveness of that ministry. This unique gifting was never more evident when Tom wisely and with great sensitivity lead in the transition of CitizenLink into the work of FPA/FPF. The efficacy of this ministry rests solidly upon Tom’s personal commitment to be a doer of the Word in all that he pursued. For that we join the list of so many to offer in our prayer a sincere thanks to the Lord for Tom Minnery and his contribution to all of our lives.

To Deb and the family no word we can offer will soften Tom’s passing. But please know we all deeply loved, respected and will greatly miss the man of God, Tom Minnery.

On behalf of the Family Policy Alliance & Foundation Board of Directors,
Gen. Patrick Caruana, Chairman

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