
FDA Abandons Women, States Come to Defense

April 16, 2021

This week, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) announced it will not enforce a longstanding policy during the COVID-19 pandemic that requires abortion-inducing drugs to be dispensed during an in-person doctor’s visit. In-person appointments are critical to minimize serious health risks to women both before and after an abortion. But, the Biden Administration chose to appease the powerful abortion lobby instead of protecting women.

This announcement is very likely the pre-cursor to a permanent removal of this important safety regulation and others which will put countless women at risk of health complications, including death.

Chemical abortion is big—and risky—business, especially for Planned Parenthood, where chemical abortion makes up 56% of all abortions performed. This is not by accident. Abortion activists have been quietly building a new business model to target young women through their phones and the internet. When safety regulations are loosened – as the FDA has just done – women suffer. Abortion-inducing drugs are four times more dangerous than surgical abortion, and can cause severe infection, heavy bleeding, loss of fertility and even death.

The change in policy at the FDA is just the latest example of the Biden Administration’s anti-woman agenda, which also includes a push to allow men to take women’s places in athletic competitions and to give them access to private women’s spaces like locker rooms, bathrooms and shelters. Fortunately, the states are pushing back on the Administration’s radical social agenda and are making great strides to protect women.

Family Policy Alliance is part of a national coalition of pro-life, pro-woman organizations that has been working across the nation this year to regulate the chemical abortion industry state by state. We realized last year that the federal FDA safety regulations for chemical abortion drugs were at great risk of repeal if a pro-abortion president were elected.  It’s clear that each state must pass protocols to regulate the dispensing and reporting of abortion-inducing pills if women are to be protected long-term.

Already, six states (Arizona, Arkansas, Indiana, Montana, Oklahoma, and Texas) have acted on our coalition’s model legislation to codify the FDA’s longstanding safety regulations, prevent mail-order abortions, and mandate reporting of chemical abortions.  Half of them – Arkansas, Indiana, and Montana – are awaiting their governor’s signature, and several more states are expected to introduce the legislation soon.

As the Biden Administration runs full steam ahead with an anti-woman and anti-life agenda, FPA and our allies will continue to advocate for the rights and safety of women and children in every state. Your support – both prayerfully and financially – enables us to keep fighting for the family. For that, we are most grateful.


Amanda Banks
Director, External Relations



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