
This Week in Woke D.C…

September 25, 2021

Every week, we are a little more surprised at the ‘woke’ and out-of-touch agenda coming out of D.C.—but this week was definitely one for the books.

Our team wanted to provide you with a short update on critical issues from D.C. that affect your values.

The Most Radical Abortion Bill Ever to Hit the House Floor

Speaker Pelosi was furious that the state of Texas passed a bill to protect babies in the womb with detectable heartbeats from abortion—and that the courts said the law could go into effect.

In retaliation, she fast-tracked her abortion-on-demand bill with radical policies that would allow abortions to be performed simply based on the baby’s sex, remove safeguards for mothers, and more.

Our Policy & Communications Strategist, Meridian Baldacci, slammed the House’s vote to pass Pelosi’s bill:

These lawmakers shamelessly went on record that they support abortion anytime, anywhere, for any reason. They have shown a brazen willingness to endanger women, from the littlest girl in the womb to the mother who carries her….By voting for this bill today, some members have given up their seats for 2022. An increasingly pro-life America will make sure of that.”

Read the full statement here.

Pelosi’s Low Opinion of the Defense of America

This week, the House voted 316-113 to pass an important piece of legislation called the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The NDAA is taken up for consideration each legislative cycle and is critical for funding America’s defenses. Unfortunately, Speaker Pelosi and Democratic leadership used this bill to play politics with our nation’s defense, following the recent travesty in Afghanistan.

Using this critical bill, Democratic leadership stuffed in a number of ‘woke’ provisions that have nothing to do with the defense of America, including:·

  • Drafting our daughters into war
  • Funding and back-door legalization for the Big Pot industry
  • Equality Act language to promote LGBT ideology
  • Critical race theory promotion

FPA’s Vice President of Strategy, Autumn Leva, exposed Pelosi’s House for the low view she has for the defense of America:

“Nancy Pelosi’s priorities for defending American families boil down to funding the largely illegal and bloated Big Pot industry, drafting our daughters into war, and carrying the banner for the woke LGBT agenda. It’s a sad commentary on the low value she places on our country’s defense. America deserves better. Our families deserve better. And our troops certainly deserve better.”

Read the full statement here.

FPA CEO Talks “Pelosi’s REAL War on Women” with Concerned Women for America

ICYMI: Family Policy Alliance’s CEO Craig DeRoche hosted Doreen Denny (from our friends at Concerned Women for America) to talk about Nancy Pelosi’s real war on women. In this latest episode of “Conversations with Craig,” they covered what’s really going on with forcing our daughters into the draft, Pelosi’s radical abortion bill, and more.

Watch on demand here.

Standing for your values,

The Family Policy Alliance Team

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