The Biden-Harris Administration is determined to cancel religious freedom for federal contractors before Christmas.
Numerous faith-based organizations and companies contract with the federal government. These organizations provide medical care for their communities, serve the poor, care for orphans, provide research through educational institutions, create jobs for workers, and more.
But the Biden-Harris Department of Labor wants to rescind an important rule related to religious organizations and certain religious businesses that contract with the federal government.
The Trump Administration implemented a rule to ensure religious employers who contract with the federal government would not be punished for hiring according to their religious beliefs. The rule ensured the government would not discriminate against faith-based organizations and provided clarity on religious exemptions for certain religious corporations, associations, educational institutions, and societies.
Now, the Biden Administration is trying to revoke that rule.
Tell the Department of Labor you OPPOSE revoking religious freedom for federal contractors! We’ve drafted a comment for you below – feel free to add your own message to it! Then, copy the comment, paste it in this link, and press “Submit Comment” at the bottom of the page.
Comments close this Thursday, December 9th at 11:59 pm EST. Your comment is critical to stopping the Biden-Harris anti-religious freedom agenda! Please share this message with your family and friends!
For Faith and Freedom,
Autumn Leva
Senior Vice President for Strategy
Dear Director Williams,
I am writing to strongly oppose the Department’s revocation of religious freedom protections for federal contractors.
Religious employers, contractors, and subcontractors should be able to run their businesses according to their sincerely-held religious beliefs, observances, and practices.
This rule will significantly eliminate the robust religious freedom protections for a diverse range of religious organizations and companies, who will in turn be forced to choose between their faith and serving those in need.
Many faith-based organizations and faith-based companies provide valuable services to assist the homeless, feed the hungry, care for the orphan, help victims of sexual abuse, treat those in need of medical care, research the field of science, educate the next generation, provide jobs for Americans and their families, and more. I do not understand why the Biden-Harris Administration wants to make it harder for them to operate according to their mission, or potentially deny them contracts because of their faith.
Every organization and company should be able to freely implement its faith-based mission, including in their hiring practices.
The Department’s proposal causes Americans like me to ask the question, “Will the Biden-Harris Administration target religious groups and individuals that do not comply with their agenda?”
In conclusion, proposed RIN 1250-AA09 will clearly reduce the rights of federal contractors who conduct their business practices according to their sincerely-held religious beliefs.
I urge the Department to immediately revoke RIN 1250-AA09.