
Standing for LIFE in DC

January 25, 2022


Family Policy Alliance CEO Craig DeRoche hands out After Roe signs to the crowd at the March for Life.

It was already 10 AM, and the sun was out, but boy, was it cold. Taking your hands out of your gloves for just a few moments was enough to send a chill through your body.

But for as cold as it was outside, the spirit of the place was warm. Students, grandparents, professionals, and young children stood shoulder-to-shoulder. People who might not see eye to eye on every issue walked together, prayed together, sang together.

And these tens of thousands shivered together, raising their signs and their voices for one cause: life.

Sporting our After Roe gear along with Grace Evans of Minnesota Family Council, our allied partner in Minnesota. Photo courtesy of Minnesota Family Council.

The 49th Annual March for Life was a powerful gathering, and our team was honored to be there advocating for the unborn and their families.

Our team shared branded After Roe gear, including signs and hats, throughout the crowd. The message? Roe v. Wade’s time is running short. And After Roe? There is life – but it will be up to every one of us to make sure that life is protected in every state. You can learn more about what life After Roe will look like in your state here.

NEW: After Roe hats and stickers!

We have exciting news: our After Roe gear wasn’t just for the March for Life! Now, you can get After Roe gear to wear around town all year long! Click here to get After Roe branded beanies (adult and infant sizes), baseball caps (pictured), and stickers (two sizes). Plus, when you sign the After Roe pledge, we’ll send you a discount code for $4 off every After Roe product! Click here to sign the pledge and get your discount.

Hear from pro-life Congressional leaders!

Behind the Scenes: Nicole Hudgens interviews Rep. Mike Johnson (LA-4) on the steps of the U.S. Capitol.

The day before the March, our team was honored to interview pro-life Congressional leaders on the steps of the U.S. Capitol.

“There’s no other human rights abuse in the world that parades around as if it’s a human right,” said Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-4), co-chair of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus. Rep. Mike Johnson (LA-4)) shared about why every person has value, and Rep. Debbie Lesko (AZ-8) spoke the truth: “millions of Americans have been lied to.” Rep. Rob Wittman (VA-1) shared a compelling story about why this issue is personal to him. Plus, Rep. Kevin Hern (OK-1) shared about key Congressional pro-life efforts

You can watch all the interviews here. Be sure to share with friends!

A World After Roe

The most touching sight of the March for Life? As we approached the Capitol, we noticed a little girl atop her parent’s shoulders, carrying her After Roe sign high. And it hit us: after Roe, there will be many, many more little girls like her. They will be alive because of people like you, who tirelessly advocate for the unborn, who speak out to your elected leaders, who share about why you are pro-life with friends and family. Because of you, these little children will be a testament: after Roe, there is life.

Will you help make that a reality?

Standing with you for life,

Meridian Baldacci
Director, Strategy

P.S. Excited to show off your pro-life After Roe gear? Post a picture and tag us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Sign the pledge here to get your discount code.


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