
Act Today to Protect Girl’s Sports in Wyoming!

February 20, 2022


We have an urgent request for your help.

On Monday, The Wyoming Senate Education Committee will vote to advance a bill that would allow biological girls to compete for sports scholarships on a level playing field. Senate File 51, the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act,  will protect the promise of Title IX for girls in Wyoming.

In recent weeks, we have seen stories about an Ivy League man dominating women’s swimming events. He has broken women’s records and taken the place of deserving women on the winners’ platform – all because he retains advantages as a biological male, even after receiving hormone treatment. Stories like this one have shown up at all levels of women’s sports. Many parents across the country are now rightly concerned for their daughters’ sports scholarships and educational opportunities.

We in Wyoming can stand up for our girls by standing for Senate File 51. Please send an email to your Senator urging them to vote “Yes” in Senate File 51 Fairness in Women’s Sports Act.

You can help ensure the playing field is level for girls’ sports by sending a message to your senator today  – it only takes a moment in our Action Center.

Now is the time to speak up to protect girls’ sports in Wyoming!

Nathan Winters
Executive Director

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