
The LEAK: Here’s what’s next

May 3, 2022

Dear Friend,

This week, we experienced a political earthquake. The leaked decision revealed a Supreme Court intent on overturning Roe v. Wade. And the Left came unhinged.

In the process, we got two sneak peeks:

  • What the eventual Dobbs decision might look like: The draft was clear, bold and unequivocal in overturning Roe.
  • What the Left will do when Roe is overturned: Anything!

And that’s where my urgent concern arises. So far, Planned Parenthood and their allies are simply better equipped for that battle. That’s because the abortion industry is raising money like it never has before!

One Big Tech titan just poured $275 million into Planned Parenthood and their state affiliates. That’s on top of $3.4 billion in annual cashflow for nearly 200 pro-abortion groups around the country.

Abortion groups are about to go hog wild with that money for three things:

  • Key state election battles – to get their abortion supporters in office in this crucial, upcoming election
  • Ballot measures in pro-life states – to upend pro-life laws that are set to go into effect if and when Roe is overturned
  • Bad legislation – to lock down abortion protections in blue and purple states

Yes, the battle is headed to the states. And for 18 years – since we started as Focus on the Family Action – the states have been our prime focus. Electing state leaders. Training state legislators. And serving an alliance of 40 state allied groups.

Critical needs are already taking shape. An allied state leader just told us that they are gearing up for a generational fight, with the abortion industry likely to file a ballot measure on the heels of a Supreme Court decision that lets states decide.

That state illustrates what’s at stake: Within six months, virtually all babies there could be protected OR abortion could be enshrined in the state constitution!

That leads me to an urgent request. Family Policy Alliance needs your financial support for the state-by-state battles ahead.

We don’t need to match every Planned Parenthood dollar. After all, we have the Truth on our side. But we must be competitive! And by joining with thousands of others – each giving something of significance – you will stand toe-to-toe with Planned Parenthood in the most critical battles, state-by-state.

The support of friends like you has helped Family Policy Alliance prepare for this moment for a long time:

  • Hosting and serving an alliance of nearly 40 state groups that are deeply engaged in pro-life efforts, state-by-state
  • Winning elections – with your help, we don’t just talk about issues, we get in the fray
  • Launching AfterRoe.com, a state-by-state guide that maps out where states are and what they need to do to protect life

If you’ve been a part of making that possible, thank you for laying the foundation.

Now, will you equip the pro-life team for winning action? Please join this effort today with your best gift to stand against the onslaught from Planned Parenthood and their pro-abortion allies!

It’s the moment we’ve been waiting for. With God’s help, let’s go win!

For Life,

Craig DeRoche
President & CEO

P.S. I need you to go big today! We finally have a chance to fully protect life. Your gift, now more than ever, will go to the front lines to save little lives, state by state.

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