Think of a child in your life whom you love. This could be your child or grandchild, niece or nephew, or a child whom you babysit or care for in some way. Imagine this child’s whole personality disappearing as they change into a completely different, unrecognizable person. The cause? A rampant political agenda.
These parents experienced just that, and they share their stories in the new film, Dead Name. Dead Name is an hour-length film that showcases three stories of parents whose children suddenly began to “transition” in an attempt to live as the opposite sex. The film was recently canceled from its platform – but that hasn’t stopped the creators from sharing their message.
Talking about the film today is Brandon Showalter, a journalist and podcaster with The Christian Post, who worked on the making of Dead Name. He sits down with Family Policy Alliance’s Meridian Baldacci to give us a sneak peek into the stories told in the film and share his insights as a journalist on the front lines of this issue.
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Dead Name is available to watch at where viewers can purchase the film for $14.99 or rent it for $9.99.
P.S. Have you checked out our NEW podcast? Conversations with Craig, produced by Family Policy Alliance, is your go-to podcast for all things family policy. Craig DeRoche picks the brains of family policy experts to break down what’s happening now. With new episodes weekly, you’ll be up to date on all things that affect your family. Listen on Spotify, Apply Podcasts, or Google Podcasts.