We have an urgent request for your help on two bills in the Minnesota legislature.
We need your help protecting Minnesota’s next generations from woke ideology. The Minnesota legislature will soon consider two radical and dangerous bills: HF 91, a bill destroying all pro-life laws in the state, and HF 146, a bill removing children from their parents if one or both of the parents opposes transgender ideology.
These woke bills would endanger young Minnesotans, born and unborn, and would destroy parental rights here and in other states. Help us oppose them by making your voice heard!
HF 91 would wipe away all existing laws protecting unborn life in our state, such as the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, which ensures that babies born alive during an abortion are provided with all necessary medical care. It would clear the way for a Minnesota with no restrictions, even bipartisan common-sense ones, on abortion.
HF 146 could take children struggling with gender dysphoria away from their parents if they refuse to enable harmful “gender-affirming care” for their kids. Like California’s infamous bill SB 107, it would authorize Minnesota courts to take emergency jurisdiction over children from other states so that they can be subjected to permanent disfigurement in the name of transgender ideology.
Born or unborn, kids deserve to be kept safe from predatory medical procedures. Along with our friends at the Minnesota Family Council, who have worked tirelessly to oppose these bills, we need your help to protect them.
Please send a message to your legislators today telling them to oppose HF 91 and HF 146.
Please also consider attending Minnesota’s Pro-Life Advocacy Day on Tuesday, February 28th. Organized by our friends at United for Life, this event will bring together pro-life Minnesotans and pro-life organizations and church bodies from across the state. Their goal is to care for women, children, and families by inspiring legislators to fight for the fundamental rights of all human beings, from conception to natural death. United, we fight for justice–for mothers, for children, and for families. Please register here in order to be guaranteed a T-shirt and legislator meetings.
Joseph Kohm III
Director, Public Policy