
URGENT: Protect South Carolina Children from Transgender Drugs & Surgeries

February 12, 2024

Family out for a walk

Dear Friends,

Along with our allies at Palmetto Family Council, we have an urgent request for your help.

We need your help protecting South Carolina’s next generations from woke ideology. This week, the South Carolina General Assembly will consider House Bill 4624, and we need you to encourage them to support it!

This important bill protects vulnerable children from gender transition surgery and procedures while holding doctors accountable.

House Bill 4624, based in part on our model Help Not Harm Bill, would prevent healthcare practitioners from performing dangerous, irreversible “gender transition” surgeries on children, including mastectomies or “top surgery.” It would also prohibit using puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to treat gender dysphoria in children. These procedures also cause irreversible harm, like infertility and body changes. Finally, it holds doctors accountable by providing a way to sue doctors that perform these procedures on children.

Our kids deserve to be kept safe from predatory medical procedures. Along with our friends at the Palmetto Family Council, who have worked tirelessly to get this bill introduced, we need your help to protect them.

Please send a message to your legislator(s) today telling him or her to support House Bill 4624.

It only takes a minute. By doing so, you will help ensure South Carolina law helps, not harms, our kids.

Sincerely,Joseph Kohm
Joseph Kohm
Joseph Kohm III
Director, Public Policy








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