
January 13, 2022

BREAKING: Supreme Court Stops Biden Vaccine Mandate

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Supreme Court has struck down the Biden Administration’s OSHA vaccine mandate for large employers – a mandate which included no religious exemption.

Meridian Baldacci, Spokesperson for Family Policy Alliance, released the following statement:

“Today, real America – and real American values – prevailed over the heavy hand of the Biden Administration. Religious freedom was rightly upheld, an ever more radical Administration was rightly restrained, and companies were allowed to simply let their workers work. This is a victory for families across America.”

Prior to the case’s hearing, organizations from around the country signed an amicus brief arguing that the mandate should not stand because it did not include a religious exemption. Family Policy Alliance and allied organizations from 30 states joined in the brief, led by Texas Values.

The brief is available for download here.

The Court also allowed a vaccine mandate for workers at federally funded health care facilities to stand; that mandate includes a religious exemption.


Media Contact:

Robert Noland, (719) 308-2822, Media@FamilyPolicyAlliance.com


Family Policy Alliance advances biblical citizenship and promote good public policy that protects religious freedom, families, and life.

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