
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Contact: Kim Trobee, (719) 531-3389 kim.trobee@familypolicyalliance.com

Family Policy Alliance was saddened to learn of the horrific terror attack by a radical Islamic extremist in Orlando. Those killed and injured are precious in the sight of God, and we mourn with those who lost loved ones.

Family Policy Alliance President and CEO Paul Weber called on everyone to pray for an end to these attacks.

“Our hearts are broken for the families of those killed in Orlando this past weekend,” he said. “We pray that this tragic event will draw the Orlando community – and communities across our nation – together and unite us against these heinous acts of violence conducted in the name of religion.

May God bring comfort and peace to the hearts of those who are grieving today. We will continue to pray for them and for our nation.”

Paul Weber is available for comment by calling (719) 531-3389.


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