
May 22, 2020


Family Policy Alliance Responds to Trump’s “Churches Are Essential”

Family Policy Alliance releases “thank you” to Trump


COLORADO SPRINGS, CO – Family Policy Alliance, a national pro-family ministry, released a “thank you letter” to President Trump for Trump’s declaration today during an unplanned briefing that churches “essential.” Citizens are invited to add their name to the “thank you.”

America’s churches chose not to meet in worship—in most cases entirely voluntarily—in order to join the effort to stop COVID-19. But a troubling contrast surfaced as the pandemic progressed. The churches’ doors were closed, despite strong constitutional protections for religious freedom. Yet, Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry marched on. Planned Parenthood defied state orders to shut down, pushed their agenda of “virtual abortions” with less safety measures for women, and even asked for donations of masks and hand sanitizer.

Autumn Leva, Vice President of Strategy for Family Policy Alliance, commented on the contrast: “The Church largely voluntarily halted their First Amendment rights to assemble and worship together in an effort to save lives. Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry stopped at nothing to take lives, even robbing healthcare workers of valuable resources to do it.”

Thankfully, throughout the pandemic, President Trump and his Administration have been clear in preventing taxpayer dollars from benefitting the abortion industry. Now just this afternoon, President Trump stepped in on behalf of America’s churches, ordering that churches be declared “essential,” stating: “Some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics essential, but have left out churches…it’s not right. So I am correcting this injustice and am calling houses of worship essential.” He added, “In America, we need more prayer, not less.”

In response to today’s declaration, Leva stated: “Throughout the pandemic, President Trump has underscored his commitment to religious freedom. Today’s declaration that churches are “essential” is welcome news to the faith community. President Trump is right–with a deadly virus harming American lives and businesses, the antidote must include more life-giving prayer and hope from the church, not less.”

A copy of Family Policy Alliance’s letter to President Trump and an opportunity for citizens to add their signature is available here: https://familypolicyalliance.com/issues/2020/05/22/trump-churches-are-essential/

A copy of the updated CDC guidance for houses of worship is available here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/faith-based.html

Media Contact

For general media inquiries or to request an interview with Autumn Leva:  Robert Noland, (719) 308-2822, media@FamilyPolicyAlliance.com



Family Policy Alliance works to advance biblical citizenship and promote good public policy that protects religious freedom, families, and life.


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