
February 22, 2021

Introducing the Promise to America’s Children

Family Policy Alliance joins forces with The Heritage Foundation and Alliance Defending Freedom to protect children’s minds, bodies, and hearts

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO – Family Policy Alliance – a pro-family ministry – is proud to announce the public release of the Promise to America’s Children, a 10-point pledge to protect children’s minds, bodies, and relationships with their parents.

“Our world is perilous for children,” said Autumn Leva, Vice President for Strategy at Family Policy Alliance. “In media and at school, children are routinely exposed to explicit messages and images. Boys are allowed to play in girls’ sports, shattering girls’ opportunities and dreams. When children are struggling to embrace their biological sex, they are pushed to pursue dangerous cross-sex hormones and sterilizing surgery. And the Equality Act – which the U.S. House is poised to vote on this week – would use the full power of federal government to enshrine these practices nationwide.”

Created through the joint forces of The Heritage Foundation, Family Policy Alliance, and Alliance Defending Freedom, the pledge has received endorsements from over 50 state and national organizations. A full list of endorsing organizations is available at the Promise website.

The Promise to America’s Children is intended both as a line in the sand against these dangers (particularly the Equality Act), and as a positive response to encourage Americans to stand up for their own children. On the initiative’s webpage, parents are encouraged to sign a pledge to protect their own child’s mind, body, and heart, while policymakers are asked to sign the 10-point pledge detailing specific objectives to protect children. These objectives include:

  • Protecting children from exposure to pornography, explicit content, and promotion of abortion and gender ideology in the classroom
  • Supporting children’s ability to pursue counseling that affirms their biological sex
  • Protecting children in sex-specific areas such as showers and locker rooms.
  • Upholding girls’ opportunity to compete in their own sports divisions
  • Protecting parental rights, including at school

The full list is available here.

To promote the Promise and share its connection to the Equality Act, the leading organizations will be participating in a Tuesday webinar hosted by The Heritage Foundation. The event will feature an interview with Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R—MO) and a panel discussion with experts. Those interested can sign up for the event here.

Said Family Policy Alliance’s President and CEO, Craig DeRoche:

“America’s children are increasingly living under a cloud of broken promises. Kids can no longer be kids. Political ideologies and explicit content threaten every aspect of children’s development—their minds, bodies, and even their relationships. Faceless government bureaucrats claim they should be more involved in children’s intimate decisions than their parents. As the father to three girls, I know that children are our most precious gifts and that they deserve to be protected. And as a former state lawmaker, I know that doing that requires good laws. That’s why I’m proud to support the Promise for America’s Children on behalf of Family Policy Alliance. For those who agree and say, ‘No more. Let kids be kids,’ we hope you’ll sign the Promise with us.”

Media Contact:

Robert Noland, (719) 308-2822, Media@FamilyPolicyAlliance.com


Family Policy Alliance advances biblical citizenship and promote good public policy that protects religious freedom, families, and life.

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