
June 17, 2021

9-0 in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia

Supreme Court Shows Unanimous Support for Religious Freedom

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court released a unanimous judgement in favor of Catholic Social Services and affiliated foster parents in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia.

Autumn Leva, Vice President for Strategy at Family Policy Alliance, stated:

Today’s decision is a significant win for religious freedom—and especially for children. Faith-based foster and adoption agencies should be able to provide important services to the children in their community while abiding by their consciences. Today, the Court affirmed that for Catholic Social Services – and for the many children and families they serve.

The decision also reminds us of why the federal Equality Act – which could be up for a vote anytime in the Senate – is unworkable and inadvisable. The Act would redefine ‘sex’ to include a person’s self-declared ‘sexual orientation and gender identity’ throughout federal civil rights law. By doing that, the Act could be used to force foster and adoption agencies into similar dilemmas to Catholic Social Services – something that that the entire Supreme Court rejected today. The Equality Act would threaten religious freedom and the wellbeing of children, and must be rejected.”

Family Policy Alliance applauds the Supreme Court’s judgement in this case, and thanks the Becket Law team for their leadership in the litigation.

Media Contact:
Robert Noland, (719) 308-2822, Media@FamilyPolicyAlliance.com


Family Policy Alliance is an alliance-building ministry that advances biblical citizenship and promotes good public policy to protect religious freedom, families, and life.




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