
“Right in Their Own Eyes”

May 13, 2021

Right in their own eyes. This phrase is taken from the Book of Judges and it characterized a morally dark period in the history of Israel when as a nation they had abandoned living by God’s laws and people did whatever they felt was right in their own eyes. This could easily describe America today. God’s moral and spiritual laws are being set aside. That leaves our families open to the work of the devil whose goal is to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). His target of choice is the most vulnerable – our children – and he is doing it in the public schools.

Rhode Island Rep. Rebecca Kislak and Sen. Tiara Mack recently introduced H5604 and S0463, respectively, which read as follows: “Every secondary school grades six (6) through twelve (12), along with abstinence, shall further provide, courses in family life or sex education appropriate for students of all races, genders, sexual orientations, ethnic and cultural backgrounds; affirmatively recognizing pleasure based sexual relations, different sexual orientations and be inclusive of same-sex relationships in discussions and examples. In addition, comprehensive course instruction shall include gender, gender expression, gender identity, and the harm of negative gender stereotypes.” (Emphasis added)

These bills might otherwise have gone unnoticed, but Family Policy Alliance exposed their content and rallied parents to speak against them at the hearings!

For now, these bills are tabled for further study. But comprehensive sex ed and the transgender craze are still very real threats and they are sweeping across America – and even across parts of the world.

The Ruth Institute (a wonderful resource for parents) recently hosted Sharon Slater, president of Family Watch International (FWI) and chair of the United Nations Family Rights Caucus. She points out that the best way to stop Comprehensive Sex Education is to expose its content, which she does in this video. Note: Viewer discretion is advised. What’s shocking is that I have to advise your discretion – and this material is meant for children to see!

Meanwhile, the transgender craze has caused what investigative reporter Abigail Shrier calls “irreversible damage,” especially to teenage girls. In her book by the same name, Shrier cautions that this craziness is targeting children as young as Kindergarten with material like the Genderbread Person (depicted below). It teaches children to separate their “sex” and “gender” from an early age, setting up minors to later decide that they need to change their body (their sex) to match their feelings about it (their gender).

Proverbs 22:6 says to “start a child in the way he should go, and when he is older, he will not turn from it.” Young minds and thought patterns are formed early. Sadly, some on the progressive Left are pushing a moral agenda on these children that may be “right in their own eyes,” but not right in the eyes of God.

Here at Family Policy Alliance, we stand firmly opposed to this dangerous agenda. We are committed to keeping parents informed so their families can THRIVE! 


Dave Aucoin
President, Board of Directors – Rhode Island

P.S. If you want to help stand against dangerous agendas like Comprehensive Sex Education and transgender ideology, please consider supporting us monthly. Your partnership will help us stand up for truth in Rhode Island!

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