It’s December 22. With Christmas just days away, we’re setting aside time to gather with family, rest, and reflect on the mystery of the incarnation, and we hope you can, too.
Twenty days ago, we launched our campaign to prepare for a world After Roe. It’s a world where babies are saved, and we’re celebrating that it could soon be reality.
As I considered this, something struck me: it is so special that this month, as we celebrate the baby who came to save us, Christians around the country have rallied to save babies.
Christ came down not as an adult or even a young child. He came as a baby. Weak, vulnerable, in need of constant care.
He came to be fully human, with all that means. All the baby teeth and growing pains, scrapes and sniffles – and yes, living even as a baby in the womb.
Of course, Christmas is about so much more than Christ coming as a baby. It is about the eternal God, the One worthy of all praise and honor, humbling Himself for our sake. Christmas is about Christ’s obedience to the Father and His love for us, as He took on flesh and dwelt among us, even becoming “sin on our behalf,” that through Him we might be saved.
But all of that began with Christ as an infant – so Christmas certainly is about nothing less than Christ coming as a baby.
And to me, that is an encouragement.
It’s because of Him that we can appreciate the value of the life He’s given us. In fact, it’s in Him that we live and move and have our being. And at Family Policy Alliance, it’s because of Him that we are called to do the work we do every day.
So this month, as we celebrate the birth of the baby who came to save us, we’re standing together to save babies. What work could be more fitting?
From all of us at Family Policy Alliance, Merry Christmas. May these coming days be filled with joy, peace, and renewal, as we celebrate the birth of our King.
Craig DeRoche
CEO & President
P.S. If you’d like to learn more about our work to protect babies, visit It would be an honor to link arms with you in this life-saving effort.