
March 24, 2021

Dr. Rachel Levine Confirmed as Asst. Health Secretary – Statement

The following may be attributed to Autumn Leva, Vice President for Strategy at Family Policy Alliance:

“Rachel Levine’s narrow confirmation by the Senate is the latest checkmark on the wish list of those in the Biden Administration who are driving a radical social agenda and continuing a hard left turn away from American families. Last week, the Senate narrowly confirmed Xavier Becerra as Health Secretary, despite a lack of relevant medical experience. During his time as a U.S. Representative and attorney general in California, Mr. Becerra demonstrated his extreme positions on abortion and opposing religious freedom – even for nuns and pregnancy resource centers.

“Now, Dr. Levine joins Becerra at the Health Department despite having openly advocated that even young children should be able to take experimental hormones to ‘transition’ to the opposite sex—and that parents shouldn’t intervene. Dr. Levine also refused to answer whether children are capable of making such life-altering decisions as ‘changing their sex.’ A person who believes that a 14-year-old has the maturity to assess the long-term consequences of a double-mastectomy on their healthy body is not fit for a top position in the Department of Health.”

Media Contact:

Robert Noland, (719) 308-2822, Media@FamilyPolicyAlliance.com


Family Policy Alliance is an alliance-building ministry that advances biblical citizenship and promotes good public policy to protect religious freedom, families, and life.



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