
TAKE ACTION: Help Nevada Protect Unborn Life—Vote NO on Question 6!

October 11, 2024

Dear Friends,

There’s one thing that’s crystal clear on this year’s Nevada ballot: If Question 6 passes, it will cost the lives of thousands of babies. That’s why we urge you to vote “NO” on Question 6 — to protect mothers and unborn life in Nevada!

If you haven’t heard the details, Question 6 is a deceptive and misleading amendment that would bring abortion-on-demand to Nevada by creating a “fundamental right to abortion” in the state constitution.

Question 6 would eliminate critical health and safety regulations that protect vulnerable women and give abortionists free reign to run abortion clinics. It does this by intentionally leaving key words or phrases like “viability” and “health” undefined, giving abortionists enough room for interpretation to justify an abortion at any point in a pregnancy, for any reason, with no health and safety regulations.

But Question 6 doesn’t stop there: it would also destroy parental rights by eliminating parental consent before their child undergoes an abortion.

Your voice is desperately needed to ensure Question 6 never becomes law in Nevada. The amendment must be approved by a simple 50 percent majority vote in two consecutive election cycles. That means pro-lifers can stop this deadly amendment in THIS election cycle!

Your vote is critical to stopping it! We urge you to vote “NO” on Question 6 in November and help push back against the radical Pro-Abortion movement in Nevada.

Sincerely,Joseph Kohm

Joseph Kohm III
Director, Public Policy

P.S. To find your polling place or to answer other voting questions, go to the Nevada Elections & Voter Information page.

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