
Can Education Freedom Come to Wyoming?

February 11, 2021

Long before we reached adulthood, we learned this simple truth: God made everyone different. We are all unique, and our circumstances, our strengths, and our weaknesses often require individualized approaches.

While we can all see this self-evident truth, our education system still often fails to recognize this reality. Students may find themselves in a public school that isn’t meeting their needs – perhaps because of online vs. in-person difficulties from COVID, concerning content, the quality of teaching, or a lack of certain curricular approaches or extracurricular opportunities. One-size-fits-all doesn’t work!

Whatever the cause of the poor fit, a student’s ability to choose a different path may be dependent on their financial means to access an educational alternative such as private school or homeschooling.

Over the last year, a variety of events – and especially COVID – have driven more families to consider the individualized needs of their children’s education than ever before. Because of this, Wyoming families have started looking at education alternatives to ensure their children get the best education possible.

Wyoming has waited a long time to open educational opportunity, so we are far behind many other states in providing educational choice for families. Over 30 states, regardless of their political leanings, provide more educational options for families than the state of Wyoming.

That is why as an organization that fights for families, we’re proud to fight for school choice – parent-driven and student-centered education – and it’s why we’re so grateful for the leadership of Representative Sue Wilson who has introduced HB106-Wyoming Education Options Act.

HB106-Wyoming Educations Options Act is not a partisan bill in it political leanings. It leans directly toward empowering parents in their children’s education by having school districts reimburse parents for educational expenses outside of the public school system. This will allow parents to choose whether they would rather have their children attend a private school in their area or have more curricula options for their children if they are educating them at home.

House Bill 106 is considered by Family Policy Alliance of Wyoming® as one of the most important bills of the 2021 Legislative session because it can provide remarkably positive impact for families for generations to come.

Pray for passage of this bill and contact your legislator and ask them to vote “Yes” for HB 106!


Nathan Winters
Executive Director

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