First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior,
1 Timothy 2:1-3
On this National Day of Prayer, New Jerseyeans from across the theological spectrum and political aisle will dedicate a time of prayer. Democrats and Republicans will bow their heads – and some will even humble their hearts – to pray for the common good.
As we reflect and earnestly pray today for those in authority, let us remember what the Apostle Paul said was the end result of those specific prayers – a peaceful and quiet life. Is that even attainable in our current climate?
Our nation is inflamed with intentional polarization thereby making civility a rare commodity. Big tech profits from political antagonism, creating the preferred echo chamber that keeps people unchallenged in their ideology. Some politicians desperately, and at times, hypocritically, engage in un-statesman like public rhetoric to increase small donors and heighten their national profile. Big media cloaks reality in their conceived narrative to persuade the consumer and control their actions, rather than simply informing and educating them on the facts.
Those in authority have been given a unique platform by which to lead. Despite the best of intentions or the worst of objectives – their decisions, conduct, and priorities can make life challenging. In other words, whether you agree or disagree with their policies and positions on certain issues, you are urged to pray for them, because the failure to do so will impact your family. And above all, we pray because it pleases God.
Let me reassure you that we pray weekly for Governor Murphy and the state legislators in both political parties. I want to encourage you to do the same. Please do not forget that in the middle of policy disagreements, grassroots mobilization, and election activity, we have no enemies, only opportunities.
Hopefully, you can join other believers on this National Day of Prayer. We are also praying for you and all our ministry partners. If you ever have any prayer requests, please email so we can lift you up before the Lord!
Protecting your family,
Shawn Hyland
Executive Director