
It is decision time on June 8

June 3, 2021

This coming Tuesday, June 8 is Primary Election Day here in New Jersey. Last week, we sent you an email highlighting the best and worst legislators during this legislative session based on the bills they sponsored. I want to strongly encourage you to go out and vote!

Politics is a tough sport. Even when competitors play by the rules, as in football or mixed marital arts, undoubtedly some will get hurt and injured. Politics at times might lead to slander, false accusations, and betrayal. As Christians, we should reject lies, not disseminate them. Sadly, I am reminded of a scripture that can easily be applied to our modern political moment.

These six things the Lord hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.
Proverbs 6:16-19


As the passage suggests, divisions in families and friendships might also occur due to intense political debate. The Old Testament scriptures record when familial ties were strained or broken because of leaders positioning themselves for power. King David, the royal incumbent, was challenged by his son Absalom. David’s friend and political consultant Ahithophel switched camps and sided with Absalom because of his sex scandal with Beersheba. In a separate struggle for the throne following David’s reign, his sons Solomon and Adonijah competed for volunteers and built alliances. In both situations, there were enthusiastic Israelites believing their nominee was the best one to defeat their nation’s enemies and protect their freedoms.

The lesson for us in New Jersey? Whatever the outcome is after next week’s primary, we must unite behind the gubernatorial candidate who will boldly protect parental rights and overhaul the New Jersey Department of Education to stop undermining the values of the families they have been hired to serve.

The sanctity of life is primary, but if the so-called Reproductive Freedom Act were to pass and be signed by Governor Murphy before his term is over, reversing course even with a new governor would be near impossible, as the bill prohibits any future administrations from making laws to protect children in the womb.  The fate of the unborn would be sealed for decades to come. We can not let that happen! Therefore, after you vote on Tuesday, June 8, please join us in Trenton on Wednesday, June 9 to rally against this immoral bill.

Protecting your family,

Shawn Hyland
Executive Director

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