
Stop Biden from Erasing Women and Girls!

May 17, 2022

Next month, the Biden Administration plans to make an announcement that could force schools to let males become women’s sports champions. Here’s how it will happen: the Biden Administration plans to propose a rule that will turn Title IX into the Equality Act for public schools. Specifically, the U.S. Department of Education wants to redefine “sex” in Title IX to include “sexual orientation and gender identity.” This rule will likely apply to every public school, college, and university.

Title IX is a law that was intended to ensure females have equal access to educational opportunities with males, and it helped make girls’ and women’s sports the robust environments they are today. But the Biden Administration wants to redefine federal law to erase these opportunities for women and girls.

This proposed rule will likely:

  • Force girls to compete with males in girls’ sports.
  • Force girls to share showers, locker rooms, and bathrooms with males.
  • Force girls to give up scholarships and opportunities to males who identify as females.

What can you do? Get ready to push back against this rule. The Department of Education is required to allow the public to comment on the proposed rule. Your voice can make a difference!


First, watch this video with Roger Severino, Vice President of Domestic Policy at the Heritage Foundation, as he explains more about what the upcoming Title IX rule will do and how the comment process works. We were honored to sit down with Roger recently to talk about what this all means for you – plus, what’s happening behind the scenes.


Biden’s Attack on Girls Sports (and what you can do about it)

A Conversation with Roger Severino

1 pm ET / 12 pm CT / 11 am MT / 10 am PT

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(Seeing this late? You can still join at the links above!)

Second, watch for an upcoming email from Family Policy Alliance that will let you know when the proposed rule has been published. We will include a link for to submit your comment directly to the Federal Register.

Third, share this information with your friends! The more voices speaking out on this important issue, the more we will make a difference!

Stay tuned for more updates!

For women and girls,

Nicole Hudgens
Government Affairs

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