
New Video: He Followed God’s Lead…to Congress

November 16, 2022

How should a Christian be a political leader? As Christians, we are called to let our light shine, and that can look different for each of us. For Representative Josh Brecheen, he chose to listen to the still small voice telling him to be a political leader.

Hear from Congressman Brecheen in our live video this week! He shares how being a father inspired him to run for office, and how he chooses to lead not with ambition, but with faith.

Join us live on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube on November 17, 2022
10:00am PT / 11:00am MT / 12:00pm CT / 1:00pm ET

How Should a Christian Act as a Political Leader? A Conversation With Rep. Josh Brecheen

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Josh Brecheen is a 4th generation rancher who grew up cleaning horse stalls, breaking colts, and hauling square bales. A Christian, he stood up for his values in American politics, serving eight years in the Oklahoma Senate. Now, he is about to begin representing Oklahoma’s 2nd congressional district in Congress. Congressman Brecheen is a graduate of the Statesmen Academy, where politicians are educated on how to advance godly values in our nation. Join us as Brecheen shares how the Lord has equipped him for this moment, what’s happening behind the scenes, and what lies ahead in Congress.

Rep. Brecheen’s story is a reminder to listen to that still small voice. God’s purpose for each of us is unique, and just like Rep. Brecheen,

See you in the comments section!

Emma Rarden
Communications Specialist – Producer

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