
The Election is Over… Now What?

November 8, 2024

We all know Tuesday’s election brought positive outcomes in countless races and ballot issues, and is sending many godly men and women to office in January. We have much to celebrate and thank the Lord for.

Yet as Christians, our hope and peace do not rest in any earthly leader, or even election outcomes, but in our Heavenly King—Jesus Christ. Our ultimate calling is to turn our attention toward Him, to worship Him as Lord and Savior, and to find our identity and direction in Him

The story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10 offers a powerful illustration of this truth: While Martha was busy attending to the necessary tasks of life, she had neglected to first prioritize the one thing truly needed: to sit at the feet of Jesus. Mary however, recognized the importance of keeping Jesus first, and Jesus said that “Mary had chosen the good part.”

As we follow Mary’s example of turning our hearts toward Jesus in worship, we find a peace that transcends all understanding. That peace—God’s peace—isn’t like the world’s peace, temporary and dependent on circumstances, often defined by the absence of conflict. God’s peace is rooted in His unchanging character. It is peace that remains steady, regardless of what is happening around us.

It is in this place of divine peace that we are empowered to choose faith or fear, hope or doubt, focus or distraction.

The election may be behind us, but the responsibility to follow Jesus’ footsteps in being a light in this dark world is now more important than ever. We are the hands and feet of Jesus. We are called to keep our eyes on Him and allow Him to lead us forward.

Let us remember that when the political outcome is positive, or when it is negative, our calling remains the same: to look to Jesus, to draw near to Him, and to be transformed by His unshakable peace. And then to let that overflow into touching the lives of others—including by praying, voting and engaging in our communities.

At Family Policy Alliance Foundation, we are here to help mobilize you in standing for godly values in the midst of this dark world. And we’re also here to help you think biblically about the policy and election outcomes we are privileged to be part of as Americans. Thank you for joining us for life, family, and freedom. Together, with Jesus at the center, we will make a difference.

The Family Policy Alliance Foundation Team

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