
Tell the Biden Administration to Protect First Amendment Freedom

March 30, 2023

The Biden Administration is again attempting to hinder Americans’ conscience rights —this time to advance the contraception mandate under the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).

What is the Biden Administration proposing to do?

Some organizations rightfully have deep moral concerns with supplying the morning after pill, sterilizations, or other forms of birth control. As a result, they prefer not to include coverage for such options on their company health plans.  President Trump’s Administration protected these organizations’ right to make that decision. But now, the Biden Administration wants to revoke those protections and force these organizations to pay for that contraception through their health plans.

While the responsible Departments state they “respect non-religious moral objections” to contraception, this proposed rule completely undermines the moral fabric of many faithful organizations, including overtly pro-life groups, that serve women, children, and the public. The Biden Administration is intent on ensuring those organizations cover the cost of all forms of birth control approved by the FDA.

Additionally, the Biden Administration rigged a new funding mechanism for contraception that will use fees collected by the federal government to funnel funding to birth control providers like Planned Parenthood.

The Biden Administration needs to hear from you now.

Family Policy Alliance has prepared a letter for you to submit to the Biden Administration. It takes only SECONDS to send in your comment! Click here, then share this message with friends that are also concerned.

Here is an excerpt from that letter:

“Concern over the life of the preborn child is not just a religious one. Many individuals, even those who are not religious, recognize the beginning stages of an unborn life with features and DNA that are distinct from the mother carrying the child. These are the beginning stages of a rapidly developing human life—not some random growth inside the mother.”

The comments close this Monday, April 3, at midnight Eastern Time so please take a moment today to let your voice be heard!


Ruth Ward
Director, Government Affairs

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