
TAKE ACTION: Help Missouri Protect Unborn Life—Vote NO on Amendment 3!

October 11, 2024

Dear Friends,

There’s one thing that’s crystal clear on this year’s Missouri ballot: If Amendment 3 passes, it will cost the lives of thousands of babies. That’s why we urge you to vote “NO” on Amendment 3 – to protect mothers and unborn life in Missouri!

If you haven’t heard the details, Amendment 3 is a dangerous and extreme amendment that would enshrine a “right” to an abortion for any reason into the Missouri Constitution. This would totally strip away the safeguards in Missouri law that have protected vulnerable mothers and saved the lives of countless babies since the overturn of Roe v. Wade.

But Amendment 3 doesn’t stop there! It would also strip away all health and safety regulations protecting women undergoing an abortion in Missouri. These common-sense measures are widely supported by Missourians to protect vulnerable women.

Finally, Amendment 3 destroys parental rights by removing Missouri laws requiring parental notification before their child undergoes an abortion and prevents anyone from suing or bringing civil or criminal penalties against an abortionist – even if the woman dies during an abortion.

Your voice is desperately needed to ensure Amendment 3 never becomes law in Missouri. Vulnerable women and children deserve the protections Missouri laws have given them since the overturn of Roe v. Wade.

Please join us in making sure those protections continue to allow life to flourish by voting NO on Amendment 3 in November.

Sincerely,Joseph Kohm

Joseph Kohm III
Director, Public Policy

P.S. To find your polling place or to answer other voting questions, go to the Missouri Elections & Voting page.

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