You might have already seen the explosion of pride propaganda at your local Target, but did you know Sesame Street is also promoting the LGBT ideology? It’s hard to escape these days, and the likelihood you’ll have to talk about this with your children is high.

So, how do you tell your kids that the LGBT ideology does not align with God’s word? And how do you help them navigate the “Pride Month” events and promotions all around them? We are here to help! Join our live video today to hear from speaker and activist, Grace Evans of Minnesota Family Council, as she shares tips to have this conversation with your kids. You’ll also hear the thoughts of Autumn Leva, a mother of two, on how she is navigating today’s culture that pushes the LGBT agenda.

TUNE IN on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube
(Or watch by clicking the play button below)
10:00am PT / 11:00am MT / 12:00pm CT / 1:00pm ET

Have you checked out our NEW podcast? We pick the brains of newsmakers and experts to break down what’s happening now on the issues YOU care about. With new episodes weekly, you’ll be up to date on all things that affect your family. Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts.

While you’re waiting to join the conversation in this episode, get a jump start on protecting your kids.

At Family Policy Alliance, our vision is a nation where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished. To stay up to date on the fight to protect families and learn how to take action, follow us on social media!

See you in the comments section!

Emma Rarden
Communications Specialist – Producer


P.S. At Family Policy Alliance, we proudly work to protect children from transgender drugs and surgeries – and by God’s grace, our work has been off-the-charts successful. This week, our work caught the attention of a leading LGBT group, Human Rights Campaign, who declared a “national state of emergency” — and blamed us!  You can help us engage strongly in even more states by clicking here.




In the past week, you’ve likely seen “Pride month” displays from companies, in public spaces, and online. It’s a month where so many are celebrating an identity founded in sexual sin and struggle, often seeing this identity as “just who I am.”

But in the midst of it all, God is at work.

Today, we’re honored to share a moving conversation with two guests who have seen firsthand the power and grace of God to heal and bring them out of the LGBT movement.


They Left the LGBT Movement
A Conversation with Ken Williams and Kathy Grace Duncan

Tuesday, June 7

2 pm ET / 1 pm CT / 12 pm MT / 11 am PT

Join us on Facebook or YouTube

Ken Williams is the co-founder of the CHANGED Movement, which in its own words, “highlights the beautiful and compelling stories of men and women whose journeys with Jesus drew them out of LGBTQ.” This is Ken’s own story. It began, as he describes it, “when my battle against homosexuality grew into intentions of suicide.” Today, join us to hear his story of redemption!
  Kathy Grace Duncan leads the Women and Transgender ministries at Portland Fellowship. As Kathy Grace tells her story, “I hated being a woman. I hated everything about it. I was very detached from my emotions. Even as a kid, it felt like I just existed. … My hatred for being a woman made me desperate, so I decided I wanted to live as a man. And I did, for 11 years.” Today, hear Kathy Grace share how the Lord worked in her heart and life!


Whether you or a loved one struggles with your sexual identity, you’re hoping to understand what’s happening for those who do, or you just want to hear testimonies of God’s grace, today’s conversation is a must-watch. You’ll leave encouraged and inspired. Don’t miss it!

See you soon on Facebook and YouTube!

Meridian Baldacci
Director of Strategy


P.S. Be sure to pass this invitation along to a friend who should attend, too! You can forward this invite or tag them on Facebook!




On February 14th, the Lincoln City Council adopted a broad 67-page ordinance redefining “sex” to mean “male, female, neither, or both,” including but “not limited to sexual orientation and gender identity” in an entire section of the city’s municipal code.

Every person should be treated with dignity and respect. Unfortunately, coercive sexual orientation and gender identity ordinances undermine both fairness and freedom.

These policies are used to:

The ordinance passed by the city council ignores common sense by giving men who claim to be female unfettered access to intimate places designated for women—including showers, locker rooms, and restrooms—at businesses, gyms, private schools, youth sports leagues, and even churches.


In response to this dangerous overreach, Nebraska Family Alliance filed a referendum petition to repeal the ordinance or put it to a vote of the people and launched an aggressive, citywide grassroots campaign aimed at mobilizing registered voters in the City of Lincoln to sign the petition.

No person should be charged with devastating fines ranging from $10,000-$50,000 by an unelected commission for simply upholding the privacy rights of women and girls in bathrooms and changing rooms.


The Lincoln City Charter gives Lincoln voters just 15 days to collect the needed 4,137 signatures. The petition must be signed in person by Monday, February 28th at 5 PM.

Visit the Nebraska Family Alliance office at 1106 E Street, Lincoln, NE 68508, 8:30 AM to 7 PM on weekdays, 8 AM to 5 PM on Saturday, and 1 PM to 6 PM on Sunday to sign the petition, and encourage your friends, neighbors, and family members to sign the petition before February 28th.

Thank you for taking action!

John Paulton
Vice President, State Alliances

This week, the Senate released the 2,702-page Infrastructure Package. This enormous piece of legislation, which should be focused on critical roads and infrastructure, contains Equality Act language that conflicts with reality, reason and family values.

The current infrastructure bill will cost American families a trillion dollars. The current infrastructure bill is also tied to another bill with a major socialist agenda led by Sen. Bernie Sanders that includes universal pre-K.

But that’s not all. The current infrastructure bill also includes Equality Act language, specifically the terms “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” (SOGI).

The Equality Act terms “sexual orientation/gender identity” have been used numerous times to punish individuals, students, parents, churches and businesses because of their religious beliefs and conscience rights on marriage and biological sex. These terms have also been used in policy to infringe on women’s privacy and parental rights.

The current infrastructure bill defines the terms “gender identity” as being “actual or perceived.” This means any man can claim an identity as a woman at any time, for any length of time.

However, the bill also uses the term “women” at least 37 different times.

Congress must acknowledge the biological reality that only two sexes exist, or else they will erase the actual definition of woman and allow anyone to be a self-proclaimed woman.

Tell your senators to vote NO on the current infrastructure language.

Visit our Action Center here and tell your senators that Congress must be clear and consistent regarding the biological reality that only two sexes exist– male and female. This statement of fact is not simply for appeasement of a political faction; it is a reality that will impact the health and safety of Americans.


For Family,

Nicole Hudgens
Government Affairs


Take Action

June is Pride Month, a time when many who identify as LGBT will spend this month celebrating that identity. As Christians, we are saddened by the celebrations of this month, because not only do we know that Pride Month is a celebration of sin, but we also know that we will never be free until we find our identity, salvation, and hope in Jesus Christ.

Yet, that very realization makes Pride Month an incredible opportunity for prayer and for the Gospel to go forth.

So today, at the beginning of June, I want to share two things with you: an answer to your questions on this topic, and a prayer for our LGBT neighbors.

Answering Your Questions

First off, an exciting announcement: we are pleased to announce that we’re launching a new video series! Ask Meridian is an opportunity for you to send us your questions – and get answers! Last month, we kicked off this initiative by asking you to send us the family policy questions you’ve always wanted someone to answer. Among the many submissions were questions asking how you could express your views on sexuality in a loving way.

We know this can be a challenging conversation to approach.

So, today, we are pleased to release to you the first video in the series: How to Love Your LGBT Neighbor. In this video, I share when and how to talk about our views on sexuality with friends and family who identify as LGBT. We hope you find this helpful!

Click here to watch:

Have a question for a future Ask Meridian episode? Send us an email at!

A Prayer for Our LGBT Neighbors

This month, will you join me in this prayer?

Lord, in this month our hearts are heavy for those who identify as LGBT. Your Word is clear about both sin and salvation – and our own consciences testify to this truth – yet so many live with the hope that they will find their “true self” or even their worldly salvation in a broken identity.

So this month, we lift up this challenging issue before you.

For those within the walls of the church who may claim the identity of LGBT, we pray for the work of your Holy Spirit and of the Church to call those in sin to repentance.

For those Christians who continue to struggle in this area, and yet who choose faithfulness to your Word, we pray for great faith and encouragement.

For those who are uncertain about their fearfully and wonderfully made bodies, we pray for peace and confidence that you did not make a mistake – that they were not born in the wrong body.

For children who are hearing messages that make them question their own sexuality, we pray for protection over their minds and hearts.

For all those who identify as LGBT, or who are struggling with their sexual identity in another way, we pray that they would find the joy and freedom that only comes from following you as Lord. We pray that their hearts would be opened to see sin for what it is – and to see the joy of your salvation as greater.

For those in ministry to our LGBT neighbors, we pray for the strength to speak the truth in love – and more than anything, to make your Gospel known in the words they say and in the way they live.

For those of us with LGBT friends and family, we pray for great love and great discernment.

For each of us, we pray the hard prayer for conviction of our own sin and for freedom in repentance. We pray that our first priority – in our own hearts and in our conversations – would always be the magnification of Christ. We pray that our identities would not be rooted first in our work, our sexuality, or even our families, but that we could say as Paul that for us, to live is Christ. May our identity, our security, our salvation be ever fixed to you – and may that be first in our hearts and in our words.

Lord, this month we pray that as we speak the truth, the manner in which we speak it would be such that we are known by our love.

In Jesus’ Name,


I hope you’ll join me in that prayer this month, and that the Lord will give you wisdom if you have opportunities to speak into the lives of LGBT neighbors.


Meridian Baldacci
Policy and Communications Strategist

In recent years, the far Left has been pushing radical policies in local school districts. This agenda forces girls to share locker rooms with boys, allows boys to steal sports opportunities from girls, and forces children to learn about gender ideology at a young age.

Now, the U.S. Department of Education is working to do the same thing- nationwide.

But you can help STOP THIS.

Similar to a local virtual school board hearing, on June 7-11 the President Biden’s Department of Education will be hosting a public hearing about incorporating “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” in national education policies. These policies will force girls to share locker rooms and showers with boys, impact girls’ sports opportunities, and punish those who disagree.

You can weigh in at this “national school board meeting” and tell the Department of Education you STRONGLY OPPOSE ANY CHANGES in their education policies that redefine “sex” to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” Biden’s Education Department has no place attempting to implement this radical agenda into every local school district in the country.

Click here to submit your comment NOW! We’ve provided some comments for you to use, but the more personalized you can make your comments, the better!

Thank you for using your voice to protect children!

You can also sign up to speak for 3 minutes and tell the Department of Education to STOP their implementation of these radical and dangerous policies that violate children’s privacy, steal girls’ sports, and implement radical ideologies in schools.


Please note:

Don’t want to speak? No worries – simply submit your written comments here to make sure the Department of Education hears your voice!

For our children,

Nicole Hudgens
Government Affairs


Last week, we got the news. The dangerous “Equality Act” – the biggest current threat to freedom and the sanctity of life – has been put on the fast track in the U.S. Senate!

That makes it all the more urgent that we move our mobilization into full throttle ASAP.

We are mobilizing in nine states with swing senators who are most likely to decide whether this scheme passes the Senate – and then goes to President Biden for his promised signature.

With Democrats now in charge of the Senate – and some Republicans having supported the same bill in the past – the situation is urgent.

Will you help us turn up the heat on the Senate with your donation?

Let me encourage you. Despite the grim situation, there is hope! Just look at what happened in the House with your help.

Yes, the so-called “Equality Act” passed the House as expected, but the real story is what happened behind the scenes. With your help, we mobilized citizens in the districts of House Republicans who had voted for it in the past. Two of the five representatives changed their position and voted against it!

On top of that, the explosion of grassroots opposition that you made possible is simply phenomenal. For example, your support helped us put together an online rally that, in just days, gathered thousands of live viewers – and brought together a Who’s Who in a diverse coalition working to stop this.

And the Promise to America’s Children – the policy and parental statement we developed in partnership with The Heritage Foundation and Alliance Defending Freedom – has reached hundreds of thousands of Americans with a message pushing back on the “Equality Act.”

Will you help us ramp up even more to defeat this scheme in the Senate? Your gift of support is needed – not just for general pressure on the Senate – but specifically to reach and mobilize tens of thousands of citizens in the states of certain senators who could decide the outcome. It worked in the House. Now it’s urgently needed in the Senate!

So much is on the line, it’s hard to overstate the threat the Equality Act poses to:

Thank you for helping us build momentum against the Equality Act to this point! We couldn’t have done it without you. And now – as we head into the thick of the battle – we need you more than ever.

As God has enabled you, will you join in the action with your gift today?

Craig DeRoche
President & CEO

P.S. The news that the Equality Act is on a “fast track” in the Senate is grim. But there is truly hope! Your gift will help build the public momentum against it and mobilize citizens in the states with swing-vote senators. Thank you for your gift to make it possible!

Just a little while ago, the U.S. House voted 224-206 to pass H.R. 5, the deceptively named bill that is actually the biggest current threat to freedom and the sanctity of life.

What now?

In some ways, this is where the battle really begins.

It was always a longshot to stop the so-called “Equality Act” in Nancy Pelosi’s House, yet it was critical that you and I engage there. And together, we sent a reverberating “shot across the bow” of politicians in both parties who would cater to this dangerous agenda.

All of this gives great momentum as this battle now shifts to the U.S. Senate. After all, this is where the fate of the Equality Act will be decided, as President Biden has already declared that passing it is his #1 priority.

Will you help us ramp up even more to defeat this scheme in the Senate? Your gift of support is needed – not just for general pressure on the Senate – but specifically to reach and mobilize citizens in the states of certain senators who could decide the outcome. It worked in the House. Now it’s urgently needed in the Senate!

So much is on the line, it’s hard to overstate:

Thank you for helping us build momentum against the Equality Act to this point! We couldn’t have done it without you. And now – as we head into the thick of the battle – we need you more than ever.

As God has enabled you, will you join in the action with your gift today?

Craig DeRoche
President and CEO


P.S. Today’s outcome in the House was virtually certain, but the battle to stop the dangerous Equality Act could go either way in the Senate. Your gift will help build the public momentum against it and mobilize citizens in the states with swing-vote senators. Thank you for your gift to make it possible!