
October 6, 2020


17,500 Signers Ask Barr to Enforce Federal Obscenity Laws

Family Policy Alliance delivered the petition to the Attorney General’s office on Monday

WASHINGTON, DC – Family Policy Alliance – a pro-family ministry – on Monday delivered a petition to Attorney General William Barr, signed by 17,500 people asking him to enforce federal obscenity laws. The petition’s delivery comes on the heels of public cries against the pornographic Netflix film, Cuties, and at a time when American viewership of pornography is an epidemic.

“The pornography industry is booming, and children and families are its victims,” says Amanda Banks, Director of External Relations at Family Policy Alliance. “During COVID-19, more Americans become addicted to porn, resulting in fractured families, increased violence against women, and – in cases of children viewing pornography – a loss of childhood innocence.”

Already there are federal laws on the books that could be enforced against obscenity – and President Trump made a pledge during his first presidential campaign to apply them. But the Department of Justice has yet to act.

That’s why Family Policy Alliance started its petition to call on Attorney General Barr to declare obscene pornography a criminal justice priority and direct U.S. Attorneys’ Offices to enforce laws that prohibit its distribution on the Internet, on cable and satellite TV, in hotels, in retail stores and by common carrier.

If enforced, these laws could potentially result in action against companies like Pornhub, which has notoriously distributed child pornography and has even shown actual footage of assault – re-victimizing those who were already victims of assault, and using viewers to further bolster the company’s already bloated wallet.

Added Banks, “Attorney General Barr needs to know that this issue is important to Americans – and that it’s high time to fulfill the President’s pledge to prosecute obscenity. We hope this petition will send that message clearly. And, even as we await a response, we look forward to the 2021 state legislative session, when we will continue to pursue new ways to curb the growth and negative effects of pornography in our country.”

Family Policy Alliance’s letter to the Attorney General can be read here in its entirety.

Media Contact:

Robert Noland, (719) 308-2822, Media@FamilyPolicyAlliance.com


Family Policy Alliance works to advance biblical citizenship and promote good public policy that protects religious freedom, families, and life.

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