
April 21, 2023

BREAKING: Abortion Pills to Remain on Market, Supreme Court Rules

The pills will remain on the market while a lower court legal challenge continues

The U.S. Supreme Court today announced its decision to allow abortion pills to remain on the market while a lower court legal challenge continues. The ongoing litigation, brought by Alliance Defending Freedom on behalf of pro-life physicians, makes the case that the FDA did not follow the law when it first authorized the abortion pills. Today’s opinion from the Supreme Court does not address the merits of these or other claims in the case, but only allows the pills to remain on the market while the litigation continues.

Autumn Leva, Senior Vice President of Strategy for Family Policy Alliance, responded:

“No doubt, today’s news is disappointing for pro-life advocates. Abortion always takes at least one life, and abortion pills have caused maternal deaths, as well. For every day that the pills remain on the market, more lives are tragically lost. And, women continue to face the fourfold risks associated with the chemical abortion compared with surgical abortion.

“However, we remain encouraged by the fact that today’s decision from the Supreme Court was not unanimous: there are people on our side at our nation’s highest court. And, we are grateful for and fully support the efforts of our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom and the pro-life physicians they represent. They are standing up as voices for the voiceless, and we continue to pray that their efforts will ultimately be successful.”

The case on the merits will be argued on May 17 before the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.


Media Contact:

Robert Noland, (719) 308-2822, Media@FamilyPolicyAlliance.com


Family Policy Alliance advances biblical citizenship and promotes public policy that protects religious freedom, families, and life.

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