
March 3, 2022

BREAKING: Iowa Governor Reynolds Signs #SaveGirlsSports Law

Iowa is the 11th state to pass a law reserving school sports competitions for females

Today, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed the state’s Save Women’s Sports bill into law, making Iowa the eleventh state to ensure that female school sports competitions are reserved for females.

Meridian Baldacci, Spokesperson for Family Policy Alliance, said:

“It’s a good day for girls in Iowa. Female athletes should grow up with a level playing field, in life and in sports. As we have seen in recent weeks, when males are allowed to compete in female sports competitions, they can and do take championship titles and other elite opportunities that were meant for girls. But in Iowa, girls can know that they have a level playing field, and a fair shot at the opportunities meant just for them. We are grateful for the work of our friends at The FAMiLY Leader who helped made this important step possible.”

In protecting female athletes, Iowa joins Idaho (the first state to protect girls’ sports), along with Arkansas, Mississippi, Montana, Alabama, Tennessee, South Dakota, West Virginia, Texas, and Florida. Many of these states, including Iowa, extend protections for female athletes who have achieved even higher levels of competition at the collegiate level.

Family Policy Alliance will continue to work with allies in other states where girls’ sports legislation is pending to advance protections for female athletes in the 2022 legislative year.



Media Contact:

Robert Noland, (719) 308-2822, Media@FamilyPolicyAlliance.com

Family Policy Alliance is an alliance-building ministry that advances biblical citizenship and promotes public policy to protect religious freedom, families, and life.


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