
November 16, 2022

BREAKING: Senate Advances Same-Sex Marriage Bill

Family Policy Alliance Responds

The U.S. Senate has advanced H.R. 8404, with 62 Senators voting in favor of advancing it (37 opposed). If it becomes law, the bill will codify the Supreme Court’s definition of marriage in Obergefell into federal law, carrying with it significant concerns for faith-based individuals and entities.

Statement from Craig DeRoche, CEO and President of Family Policy Alliance:

Silencing Americans: that’s what the Senate has attempted to do today. In a time when Americans are faced with countless real problems – inflation, the energy crisis, issues affecting their daily wellbeing – Senator Schumer instead chose to fast-track a bill that virtue signals for woke ideology, and forces the rest of America to play along.

“And he convinced 12 weak-kneed Republicans to go along with him. Republicans seem confused by why they didn’t get their ‘red wave’ (even when strong, pro-family leaders won big in their races). This type of acquiescence from high-ranked Republicans should provide the answer they need.

“The bill threatens people of faith with harassment and costly lawsuits – simply because of their religious beliefs. And, perhaps worst of all, it opens the door for the federal government to force everyone – including people of faith – to affirm same-sex marriage, or other definitions of marriage the federal government may adopt, including polygamy. For anyone who chooses to dissent, it labels their beliefs as “discrimination” on par with racism.

“Today, Senator Schumer may be poised to declare victory. But dissenting Americans – indeed, many millions of Americans – will continue to abide by their strongly held religious convictions. At Family Policy Alliance, we will continue to support and uphold those who do.

We are also thankful for the 37 senators who stood strong, failed to bow to Chuck Schumer and the woke agenda, and voted no on advancing this bill that peddles a false definition of marriage in federal law and puts a target on the backs of people of faith.”

Media Contact:

Robert Noland, (719) 308-2822, Media@FamilyPolicyAlliance.com


Family Policy Alliance advances biblical citizenship and promotes public policy that protects religious freedom, families, and life.

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