
March 1, 2023

Mississippi Protects Minors from “Transition” Procedures

House Bill 1125 protects minors from dangerous transgender interventions

Yesterday, Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves signed House bill 1125, making Mississippi the third state with a law protecting vulnerable children from both sex-change surgeries and experimental hormones aimed at “transition.” The bill holds healthcare professionals accountable by providing child victims an opportunity to sue for damages.

Autumn Leva, Senior Vice President of Strategy at Family Policy Alliance, responded:

“Mississippi has joined the growing chorus of states taking child safety seriously. When a child is deeply struggling, he or she deserves meaningful help — not the harm of hormones and surgery. These states recognize that.

“And these interventions do cause serious harm. They often leave young people sterile, with a variety of irreversible maladies and physical changes, and the deep pain of regret. All this can happen before a child is even old enough to to buy cough syrup over the counter.

“This law will stand in the gap.

“We are so grateful for the courageous work of all who made this victory possible, and we continue to call on states around the nation to pass this critical child safety legislation.”

Family Policy Alliance (FPA) first began work on protecting minors from transgender interventions in 2017, when the group first drafted an early version of the legislation that is now law in two states (with a modified version in place in two more). In 2021, FPA launched its Help Not Harm campaign following the passage of Arkansas’s SAFE Act (the first successful bill in the nation to offer these protections).

Currently, at least nine other states are considering similar legislation, and Tennessee has also sent similar legislation to its governor’s desk.

Media Contact:

Robert Noland, (719) 308-2822, Media@FamilyPolicyAlliance.com


Family Policy Alliance advances biblical citizenship and promotes public policy that protects religious freedom, families, and life.

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