Education, Podcasts

The Bible in Public Schools, with Joel Penton

Wouldn’t it be great to see God honored more in our public [...]


Back-to-School Help: Download Our Free Guide

A new school year can be an exciting time for many students. [...]

Parental Rights

Sexualized Material May Be In Your Child’s Book Fair

Can you imagine your elementary-school-aged child or grandchild going to their school’s [...]

Parental Rights

It’s Time to Raise the Stakes for Scholastic

Dear Friends, Earlier this week, we alerted you to the story that [...]

Parental Rights

Bookseller Caves to Leftist Pressure to Freely Sell Pornography in Elementary Schools

Dear Friends, Recently parents across the country have been taking action to [...]

Parental Rights

Parental Rights Becomes Focus in Congress

Over the past few years, we have witnessed a concerning, unprecedented effort [...]