
June 8, 2020


Family Policy Alliance Announces Nationwide “Save Girls’ Sports Campaign”

The campaign is designed to build awareness and support for laws protecting girls-only sports teams


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado – Family Policy Alliance – a pro-family ministry – today announced the launch of its nationwide “Save Girls’ Sports” campaign. The campaign aims to build support for laws that ensure only biological females can play in girls’ sports at the high school and collegiate level. Idaho recently became the first state to pass such a law, and the ACLU has challenged the law in federal court.

The Save Girls’ Sports webpage notes that “men generally have higher cardiovascular capacity, greater bone density, and more muscle mass” than women. These advantages mean that when men are allowed to play in women’s sports, women are placed at an unfair disadvantage – leaving them to watch as men take championship titles, scholarships, and other elite opportunities reserved for women. As the website observes, “Our girls deserve better than letting males compete in female-only competitions.”

While Idaho is the only state with a law reserving girls’ sports to biological girls, the Save Girls’ Sports campaign is on a mission to ensure it’s not the last.

Autumn Leva, Vice President of Strategy for Family Policy Alliance, offered the following statement: “As a former runner and as mom to my infant daughter, I want every female athlete to have a level playing field for their sport. Unfortunately, girls today often are not guaranteed that opportunity in their state – despite the desire of many to have it. Save Girls’ Sports is a celebration of female athletes, a recognition of their desire for a fair chance, and an opportunity to spread a positive message of fairness across our nation.”

The campaign includes a petition available to sign on the webpage, and an upcoming nationwide social media campaign during “Save Girls’ Sports Week” (June 21-27). June 23rd is the 48th anniversary of the enactment of Title IX , the federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in educational programs – including athletic programs. The U.S. Department of Education recently ruled in a separate case that a Connecticut policy allowing boys to play in girls’ sports was a violation of Title IX – lending support to the cause of Save Girls’ Sports.

To participate in Save Girls’ Sports Week, individuals and organizations are encouraged to use #SaveGirlsSports to post their stories of the importance of girls’ sports in their own lives, and their support for laws like Idaho’s. Individuals can also add the campaign logo to their Facebook profile picture using the campaign’s eye-catching Facebook frame.

Family Policy Alliance calls on athletes and non-athletes, men and women, and individuals of all political persuasions to band together at this pivotal moment to Save Girls’ Sports.

Media Contact:

Robert Noland, (719) 308-2822, Media@FamilyPolicyAlliance.com


Family Policy Alliance works to advance biblical citizenship and promote good public policy that protects religious freedom, families, and life.


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