
Thanking God For All of You

November 24, 2021

This Thanksgiving, I have something I need to say: I’M THANKFUL FOR YOU.

This job isn’t easy, but I am blessed to have a profound source of encouragement – knowing that faithful Wyoming Christians like you are standing with us for His glory.

Your prayers, generous contributions, work to spread the message – however you choose to “Advance Biblical Citizenship” – gives me hope and provides me the fuel I need to keep up the fight for our families.

I cannot begin to describe the gratitude I feel. In Wyoming, we’ve seen a change in the political climate because of your faithfulness in partnering with us to elect godly leaders. We’ve also taken a big step with our recent court victory in Cheyenne, where we fought for parental rights in education. Every victory comes as a result of your partnership.


My family and I wish you and yours a Blessed Thanksgiving and a joyous time as you reflect on all the good things the Lord is doing in your life and in those around you. We serve an AWESOME God!

With Thanksgiving for all of you,

Nathan Winters
Executive Director

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